DT - PO- then you are a rare case when someone falls for church deception after losing faith (in men).
Your comment sounds rude, sanctimonious, mean and patronising. Was that your intention?
If not what is your intention with your comment?
i have been on m any different forums, and only carm is similar to this.. all the rest have rather hypocritical trust in god.. this and carm are for those who apostate to the wtbs and to god.. turned off by the gb, or hypocritical examples in the congregation, they drop worshiping god and their belief in the bible... for they know too much,.
that's why scripture isn't discussed, and jws like me, are demonized.. i am cool with that!
maybe some of you will come to their senses!.
DT - PO- then you are a rare case when someone falls for church deception after losing faith (in men).
Your comment sounds rude, sanctimonious, mean and patronising. Was that your intention?
If not what is your intention with your comment?
i have been on m any different forums, and only carm is similar to this.. all the rest have rather hypocritical trust in god.. this and carm are for those who apostate to the wtbs and to god.. turned off by the gb, or hypocritical examples in the congregation, they drop worshiping god and their belief in the bible... for they know too much,.
that's why scripture isn't discussed, and jws like me, are demonized.. i am cool with that!
maybe some of you will come to their senses!.
Tommo - As I said, most that leave being a JW become,,,atheists!
For my part, I became a main stream Christian when I left. I became a 'non-believer' much later on.
I would think it reasonable to surmise that it's different for all people who leave Jobotism.
A Pastor said to me that because of the way the Cult brainwashes people it's little wonder they lose ALL faith when they escape captivity of the fake JW religion.
i have been on m any different forums, and only carm is similar to this.. all the rest have rather hypocritical trust in god.. this and carm are for those who apostate to the wtbs and to god.. turned off by the gb, or hypocritical examples in the congregation, they drop worshiping god and their belief in the bible... for they know too much,.
that's why scripture isn't discussed, and jws like me, are demonized.. i am cool with that!
maybe some of you will come to their senses!.
i have been on m any different forums, and only carm is similar to this.. all the rest have rather hypocritical trust in god.. this and carm are for those who apostate to the wtbs and to god.. turned off by the gb, or hypocritical examples in the congregation, they drop worshiping god and their belief in the bible... for they know too much,.
that's why scripture isn't discussed, and jws like me, are demonized.. i am cool with that!
maybe some of you will come to their senses!.
My journey in a nutshell.
Raised a JW. Was a JW until aged 50. Then went to a Baptist Church and felt at home.
Then one day I realised that there is no God answering prayers.
I now don't have any faith/belief in God, Devil or Unicorns.
I just go about my business. Faith seems to be the excuse people use when they can't find evidence.
Not everyone feels that way, but I do.
wishing all of you a happy and prosperous new year.
my wish is for everyone to find happiness.
for those of you who are still having to keep up appearances (pimo's) because of family who are still in, my wish for you is anything that will open the eyes of your family members and finally be set free.. tonight here in minnesota, happydad will be celebrating with a bloody mary, right here at home in my sweats.
this wt doctrine includes the wrathful mass execution of individual children, babies and disabled belonging to the billions of non-jws... extremist?
"during the war of armageddon, jehovah will execute people, not in a cold, clinical manner, but in a “great rage.” (read ezekiel 38:18.
) he will direct the explosive force of his anger, not against one army or one nation, but against countless individuals living across the globe.
DOC - "Where does an 800-pound gorilla sit?"
The answer: "Anywhere it wants to."
I also like the 'God is like a Mafia boss' analogy.
this wt doctrine includes the wrathful mass execution of individual children, babies and disabled belonging to the billions of non-jws... extremist?
"during the war of armageddon, jehovah will execute people, not in a cold, clinical manner, but in a “great rage.” (read ezekiel 38:18.
) he will direct the explosive force of his anger, not against one army or one nation, but against countless individuals living across the globe.
after a conversation with hubby l started thinking about silly lyrics in songs , of which there are many .bang a gong by marc bolan is pretty daft , although apparently his lyrics are deep .
do you have any favourite daft lyrics?
Pete - Cracklin' Rosie you're a store-bought woman
You make me sing like a guitar hummin'
(what does that even mean?? )
Probably use the substance 'crack' instead of cracklin'.....makes more sense to an otherwise forgettable and tepid song by an over rated artist.
A lot of these songs don't mean a thing, they're just an idiotic attempt at slam poetry or failed doggerel.
graeme hammond writes:.
in his 2002 book that examined the behaviour and practices of jehovah’s witnesses, english sociologist andrew holden devoted an entire chapter to the trauma and friction experienced by those who choose to leave the jehovah’s witness religion.
“those who do eventually break free,” he concluded, “are seldom allowed a dignified exit.”.
Why would Jehovah's Witnesses be required to shun members who disassociate themselves?
Because the shunned one can open the eyes of the Jobots. This in turn will mean less money, assets and power for the Governing Body(tm) (Pees be upon them)..
It's a draconian business practice that they pretend comes from the Bible.
witnesses never watch r movies.
but they understand references to wood chippers and banjo music.. other than that the rating system is not worldwide .