JoinedTopics Started by punkofnice
JWs and the Lord's Prayer
by punkofnice inhow often do you hear the lord's prayer at the meetings or in jw homes?.
i don't know if they revised their stance with the new leaders in america, but i don't recall it having much weight when i were a wee'un.. i think the nwt said, 'pray then, this way....'.
so, jesus gave instructions on how to pray, as in actual words to say.......so the jws don't?
Re-activate me?
by punkofnice inthere was a knock at my door and i thought it was my take-away being delivered.. long story short, it was 2 elders calling to see me.
i guess to re-activate me.
once they said who they were i recognised them.
Goodbye Mother
by punkofnice inso my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
What would Watchtower Corporation(tm) do?
by punkofnice inwhat would watchtower corporation(tm) do in compromise of their 'north korean style rules' if by publicly removing them, they could get more money and power?.
if each governing body(tm) member (pee be upon them), were offered a few million quid/bucks each to rescind the barbaric 'no whole blood' rule?.
i know what i think these fake religionists would do.
Jesus 2nd Coming
by punkofnice infull disclosure, i am an atheist/slight agnostic and really don't believe in god/s.. however, i do find solace in a good evensong at the cathedral.
because one of my kids came with me, it has inspired him to become a christian and hence got baptised in a uk high church (anglican cum catholic hybrid).. so, i take him to visit different places eg, ely cathedral.
he likes me to accompany him to his new church.
Being embarrassed by a JW when you were a JW
by punkofnice ini was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
What does the Bible really teach the GB?
by punkofnice ingalatians 5:19-21 nivthe acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.
i warn you, as i did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of god.. .
1 corinthians 6:10, 11 kjvnor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of god.
by punkofnice ini wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.