At least Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner were real....unlike Jehovah(tm). Imaginary man in the sky.
How is it possible to actually believe in this garbage in 2022?
exodus 7. .
new king james version.
moses before pharaoh.
At least Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner were real....unlike Jehovah(tm). Imaginary man in the sky.
How is it possible to actually believe in this garbage in 2022?
mcfree v. watchtower.
a us federal judge has ruled against watch tower pennsylvania, denying their dmca subpoena to identify the creator of the jehovah's witness parody videos known as "dubtown.. .
see last page (page 20).
Biahi - Apostates 1, WT zero. Lol
Let's hope so. Scum like the WBT$ are boo hooing like cry babies because someone laughed at them.
What a shower of sh1t the Watchtower(tm) are!
any one that have a funny or unusual experience from field service?
maeby you visited favela brazil.
the hood in the usa.
Nothing, really. I found the whole experience totally embarrassing.
There was this bloke that slammed the door so hard that the glass shattered and flew out of his door.
....other than that, I've blanked those awful, depressing days out of my mind.
just curious but how do the people off this forum find reddit.
for myself i find reddit to be sadly lacking in the jw world.
i just don't find the depth there e.g one sentence replies, trying to be funny.
I can't be bothered with it. I pop in on here from time to time but that's about it.
My days of active ex-jobo are over. It's become uninteresting to me mostly.
on may 20, 2020, boris johnson's private secretary sent out an e-mail to 100 staff asking them to enjoy the sunshine in the downing street garden, adding they could bring their own bottle.. at the time the uk was under a harsh covid lockdown - people could meet up with up to six members of their own household, and only with one person from another household, socially-distanced of course.
the prime minister attended this party for 25 minutes but his excuse yesterday at pmqs was that he thought it was a work event.
as excuses go, this one is right up there with 'the dog ate my homework', lol.. boris johnson must resign - if you force harsh rules on people but break those same rules yourself, it's surely game over.. his private secretary should go, too..
LUHE - Time will tell.
These politicians are here today and gone tomorrow.
We do not even appear on their radar. I do not trust any one of them. I certainly do not trust the Police because they seem to be getting sent to court for crimes by the shipload, these days.
We, the working and middle class are of no consequence to these Eton snobs. that includes Starmer Giles and Bojo.
on may 20, 2020, boris johnson's private secretary sent out an e-mail to 100 staff asking them to enjoy the sunshine in the downing street garden, adding they could bring their own bottle.. at the time the uk was under a harsh covid lockdown - people could meet up with up to six members of their own household, and only with one person from another household, socially-distanced of course.
the prime minister attended this party for 25 minutes but his excuse yesterday at pmqs was that he thought it was a work event.
as excuses go, this one is right up there with 'the dog ate my homework', lol.. boris johnson must resign - if you force harsh rules on people but break those same rules yourself, it's surely game over.. his private secretary should go, too..
I looked at the news and it seemed like someone was drip feeding the leaks deliberately. Probably more to come. I wonder who? Sunak (mr Spock), wanting the PM position?
The whole thing is a pantomime.
they say the Police are investigating. What a crock. The Gov pretty much own the shambolic, corrupt Police force. That incompetent Caress a Dick is in their pockets, that's easy to see.
"We've investigated ourselves, and we're innocent!" It's all theatre. They're all in it together. Posh Eton boys pretending to be on different sides. As the great George Carlin said, 'it's a big club and you ain't in it!'.
Simon - they like the power and control, and a submissive population.
My thoughts exactly.
These Posh little rich boys and girls are Teflon. Full of their own self importance like the JW GB.
Look at the sheeple go mad thinking what the media says and the politicians say is all real. I laugh up my sleeve.
Don't be naive, people. Just don't.
some jokes i`ve heard and 1 or 2 i`ve made up .. the shortest man in the bible ?
knee high mia.
one with a facial affliction.?
Some of these jokes are older than when Pontius was a pilot
some jokes i`ve heard and 1 or 2 i`ve made up .. the shortest man in the bible ?
knee high mia.
one with a facial affliction.?
Jan - That's why they were sad u see
There was an Elder(tm) used to use that a lot.
I need to re-start my therapy!
I can't remember any, I'm afraid.
i have been on m any different forums, and only carm is similar to this.. all the rest have rather hypocritical trust in god.. this and carm are for those who apostate to the wtbs and to god.. turned off by the gb, or hypocritical examples in the congregation, they drop worshiping god and their belief in the bible... for they know too much,.
that's why scripture isn't discussed, and jws like me, are demonized.. i am cool with that!
maybe some of you will come to their senses!.
Jan - Punky have you checked out Thomas's comments on other threads ?
Not particularly but I am more inclined to go down the 'troll' route with this one because no reply was given to my question, despite subsequent comments made after.
After all, I don't know who these people are. They remind me of some 40 year old loser, living rent free in their mother's back bedroom, eating, getting morbidly obese and only getting off trying to enrage others on line in cowardly anonymity. No matter what comments ensue from DT (See the Cambridge dictionary for suffering from the DTs), I will now totally ignore them.
Why bother?
i have been on m any different forums, and only carm is similar to this.. all the rest have rather hypocritical trust in god.. this and carm are for those who apostate to the wtbs and to god.. turned off by the gb, or hypocritical examples in the congregation, they drop worshiping god and their belief in the bible... for they know too much,.
that's why scripture isn't discussed, and jws like me, are demonized.. i am cool with that!
maybe some of you will come to their senses!.
DT - PO- then you are a rare case when someone falls for church deception after losing faith (in men).
Your comment sounds rude, sanctimonious, mean and patronising. Was that your intention?
If not what is your intention with your comment?