That's ok. Jehovah(tm) lives in the Pleiades so Venus is just as believable..............if you're a mental case.
JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Rutherford and dinosaurs
by jhine insorry if this has been discussed before but on quora someone asked if rutherford had said that dinosaurs had been taken to venus .
i assume that the questioner had heard it somewhere and wanted to check it out.
i've never come across this before is it true ?
Were JWs Right That There Would Be A Time When Governments Would Go After All Religion?
by minimus inthey have predicted this for years.
religions of the world would become attacked by the governments.
the only difference is when they go after jehovah’s witnesses, then jehovah god will step in and destroy the governments..
A stopped clock is right twice a day. The Watchtower has some catching up to do to even live up to a stopped clock. Dummkopfs
Does he really have a sex problem ?
by ozziepost inlike many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
I must admit, I've tried to keep well away from all the Cedars debate because 'celebrity' for want of a better term, doesn't interest me. I don't want these people in my life but they keep crow barring their way into my vision somehow. It all goes to show that people are just big let downs.
Does he really have a sex problem ?
by ozziepost inlike many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
MMM - he says that, from the beginning, he was "sexually incompatible" with his wife
As if that's the be all and end all of a relationship. What a pillock.
Does he really have a sex problem ?
by ozziepost inlike many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
I blame the Borg for making my missus leave when I left the cult.
Does he really have a sex problem ?
by ozziepost inlike many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
Only in respect of I'm just not getting any because I'm old and single with no partner.
Who is partaking of the upcoming memorial in April 15, 2022
by bola ini am plan to partake of the emblem for the first time.
i have informed my elders of my heavenly call during the time they met with me for my reinstatement last year on june, 2022. i informed my congo secretary also.
who else is intending to partake.
ozzie - @RolRod Well, you’re still here too!
Exactly. I think 'projection' is the term I'd use.
I have no intention of justifying my position either, so don't bother asking.
Who is partaking of the upcoming memorial in April 15, 2022
by bola ini am plan to partake of the emblem for the first time.
i have informed my elders of my heavenly call during the time they met with me for my reinstatement last year on june, 2022. i informed my congo secretary also.
who else is intending to partake.
Bola - Do you still believe the JW stuff?
If not, why not just walk away and be done with it all. Start a new life free from them while you mattter the reasons. Or will it ruin your life?
I did. I will never go back unless it's for ££££millions, even then I won't believe their scam garbage fake religion.
Covid is making a comeback. Going back to the Kingdom Hall is becoming more of a Hope, (like Armageddon)
by pistolpete inif you have been keeping up with the news, many cities are seeing an uptick in covid cases.
mask mandates are being implemented in many cities.. many pimos are relating that their pimi parents and grandparents are scared to go back and are having a hard time following the elder's exhortation to attend the memorial, because it might be the last.. a lot of pimi's are saying; that it doesn't make logical sense for large groups of people to meet in a crowded building passing and touching emblems and wine glasses while covid is still around and vaccines have not prevented the death of many who still got the virus.
the elders keep reminding the sheeple that "we must obey,even if it doesn't make sense.".
The Rona has caused an obsession with the sheeple that have allowed the fear mongers to control them with panic about what is now just a bad cold.
Who cares, as long as meetings are missed, all is good.
Books I read when I deprogrammed
by OrphanCrow inblondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
I read the first few bits of Combatting Cult Mind Control and I was done.