Is Bad - w52 8/15 p. 501 Individual Bible study, certainly! Independent Bible study, beware!
Is Good - w57 8/1 p.469 par.7 "Moreover, people today are developing an aversion to thinking. Their thinking must be channelled for them, ready-made by propagandists. This suits Satan’s purpose."
Is Good - w58 8/1 p.460 "Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear"
Is Bad - w60 2/15 p.106 par.6 "it follows that one should reject the goal of independent thinking"
Is Good - w72 3/15 P.170 par.7 "independent thinking ... is why you are capable of exercising the fine qualities of love and loyalty, of devotion and integrity. That is why you are also capable of understanding what God has revealed in his Word "
Is Bad - w77 10/1 p.605 "Adam’s selfish thinking and action distorted his way. He set out his own independent course, becoming an enemy of God, and brought his own way and that of his family “to ruin.” Yes, with sin and imperfection ruling, and with each going his independent way, no one knows what may befall him,"
Is Good - Awake! 78 8/22 p.4 " Proverbs 14:15 states: “A simple man believes every word he hears; a clever man understands the need for proof.” (The New English Bible) So each individual must choose what he will feed his mind. Whatever you read or watch or listen to, test whether it is propaganda or whether it is the truth. Will you let others think for you, or will you do your own thinking? Do your own, and “thinking ability itself will keep guard over you.”"
Is Bad - w79 2/15 p.20 par.18 " Jehovah’s people need to be stable, full-grown Christians. Their position must be steadfast, not shifting quickly because of independent thinking "
Is Good - Awake! 80 1/8 p.13 " The person most easily brainwashed is the “normal,” average individual. Such a one is already conditioned to accept opinions of others rather than to form strong convictions of his own. On the other hand, those hardest to brainwash are ones with unconventional ideas and strong convictions and who are not afraid of what others think."
Is Bad - w83 p.27 section heading "Fight Against Independent Thinking" par.22 says it's "demonic"
Is Good - KM 3/95 p.6 par.17 "it is highly valuable to learn how to think. The Bible commends thinking ability and practical wisdom. (Prov. 1:4; 3:21) Learning how to think and retain information enables you to acquire knowledge and skills that will be useful to you and to Jehovah’s worldwide organization. "
Is Bad - w98 5/15 p.26 "Perhaps we are overly sensitive. We may be nursing a grievance, or we may be placing too much emphasis on independence. Thus, our Christian progress may be limited."
Is Good - Awake! 99 1/8 p.11 "The magazine UNESCO Courier suggests that instead of fostering rejection of religious movements, “education for tolerance should aim at countering influences that lead to fear and exclusion of others, and should help young people to develop capacities for independent judgement, critical thinking and ethical reasoning.”"
Is Bad - w06 7/15 P.22 Par.14 "Pride may play a role, and some fall into the trap of independent thinking"
- 1943 “The Truth Shall Make You Free” p.362
- 364
[Evil ones] will not come forth [in the resurrection] to take part in the
divine mandate [filing the earth], because that will have been completed by the
Lord's "other sheep".
- w50 10/15 p. 381 “Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill the Earth”
Nor will the resurrected multitudes be privileged to do so, for Jesus plainly
stated that such will not marry nor be given in marriage
survivors won't marry - w54 9/15 p. 575 Questions From
After that final test there will definitely be no marrying or being given in
marriage then by those counted worthy of the new world and having the right to
eternal life, just as angels have that right
- w54 9/15 p. 575 Questions From Readers
It is even reasonable and allowable to entertain the comforting thought that
those of the other sheep who now die faithful will have an early resurrection
and live during the time when the procreation mandate is being fulfilled and
when paradise conditions are being spread earth-wide and that they will share
in this divinely given service.
- w61 11/15 p. 704 Questions From Readers
for dead ones with spiritual, heavenly hopes and for dead ones with earthly
Paradisaic hopes the rule enunciated by Jesus Christ stands unaltered: “In the
resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage
- w67 10/15 p. 638 Questions From Readers
Jesus’ words apply to the earthly resurrection, and they indicate that those
resurrected will not marry or be reunited in a marriage relationship with
former mates.
/ MAYBE - w14 8/1 page 29+30, questions from readers
"Could Jesus be referring only to the heavenly resurrection?"
"It is possible"