Pimmy - Can someone tell me how to reply to a message?
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hi everyone i’m a pimo elder ex bethelite and pioneer who has been having doubts for many years.
as of late i’ve come to have even more doubts mainly due to the gb pushing the vaccines and acting like salesman for big pharma companies .
i will never take these vaccines even if it meant i couldn’t go to the hall as was previously said but the gb have done a big u turn on this now.
Pimmy - Can someone tell me how to reply to a message?
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hi everyone i’m a pimo elder ex bethelite and pioneer who has been having doubts for many years.
as of late i’ve come to have even more doubts mainly due to the gb pushing the vaccines and acting like salesman for big pharma companies .
i will never take these vaccines even if it meant i couldn’t go to the hall as was previously said but the gb have done a big u turn on this now.
pimster - I have many good friends and I love the congregation
I think you'll find that despite them being good people at heart, their love is all conditional.
They'll drop you like a hot snag from a barbie if they find out about your duplicity.
If you exist in real life, that is.
what is the harm or downside of being pimo?.
i get all the good things about being in the cong, good social life lots of invites to bbqs and meals out.
lots of interesting gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Pimmy - What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
As I said afore:
You can't slave for 2 masters.
In the end the cog-dis will burn you. You will have to decide if you should stay or not.
hi everyone i’m a pimo elder ex bethelite and pioneer who has been having doubts for many years.
as of late i’ve come to have even more doubts mainly due to the gb pushing the vaccines and acting like salesman for big pharma companies .
i will never take these vaccines even if it meant i couldn’t go to the hall as was previously said but the gb have done a big u turn on this now.
Welcome Pimmy.
im still an elder and a very busy one at that. I don’t mind doing all the items at the meeting but am starting to say no to many other jobs at the hall
You can't slave for 2 masters. At some stage you will have to face a choice of being a fake or authentic.
i was a twenty y/old when i converted to the jw religion and was a problem drinker and i was a chain smoker .when i was baptized at a circuit assembly a year later , my conversion and change in lifestyle was given as an example of the effectiveness of incidental witnessing to the audience.. so i can point to the 2 positives becoming a jw .. 1.i gave up smoking.
2.i gave up drinking for a while ,but because i still had association with my wife`s and my family who were not jw`s ,i learnt to control my social drinking when i started again.. and i have been a responsible drinker ever since ,even though i left the religion 29 years ago.. the negative points of being a jw in my 32 years of being one ?
are far too great to list here .. love to hear your thoughts..
Smiddy. It wasn't all bad if I'm totally honest. Mostly bad, but not totally.
Full disclosure, as a reluctant atheist, I go to the odd Evensong and service locally. It is something I enjoy. When a scripture is called out, I can locate it quite easily. There was a sort of scripture finding competition at a local church a few years back. Not for money, just a fun thing. I won hands down. I attribute that to the Jobots.
Also, I felt there were some good bits of advice in the 'family book(tm)'. Not the 'do more(tm)' nonsense.
I believe I'm fairly healthy for a 64 year old due to not smoking. I am guilty of enjoying a drop of sauce though.
Over all, the Jobots are a dangerous, predatory cult. But every cloud has a silver lining.
the bible depicts king david as a deeply flawed, unsavory character, the perpetrator of evil acts including: murder, insurrection, adultery, banditry, and extortion.
the sanitizing of david’s character during the following centuries and millennia created an image that idolizes him as the paragon of virtue, closely associated with the promised messiah.
my study identifies the davidic sanitizing process.. https://www.academia.edu/s/390a7ba170?source=link .
Even when I was a 'believer(tm)' I thought David was a bit of a twit.
what do people usually think of when they buy a house?
"i will probably live here for a long time" (you're invested with your time), "i will save money by building equity over time".
(you've invested in yourself financially for the long run) of course, i wouldn't be able to list the numerous reasons why people want to buy a house.
ghosty - Depends on which JW you talk to.
That about sums it up.
You will find those that are jealous will gossip and deride a person...not just for buying a gaff, but for anything.
The more wealthy jobots are the ones that will give 'hospitality(tm)' to the visiting scrounger/CO. These ones are usually 'promoted' to Elder because of their wealth no matter what scum they are. I've seen it first hand.
'Do what thou wilst shall be the whole of the law.' paraphrase Mr A Crowley.
a news article has the headline of " ‘case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans"; see https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/19/case-closed-999-of-scientists-agree-climate-emergency-caused-by-humans .
the article says in part the following.. 'the scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the cop26 summit in glasgow.. the degree of scientific certainty about the impact of greenhouse gases is now similar to the level of agreement on evolution and plate tectonics, the authors say, based on a survey of nearly 90,000 climate-related studies.
this means there is practically no doubt among experts that burning fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal, peat and trees, is heating the planet and causing more extreme weather.. a previous survey in 2013 showed 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering earth’s climate.. this has been updated and expanded by the study by cornell university that shows the tiny minority of sceptical voices has diminished to almost nothing as evidence mounts of the link between fossil-fuel burning and climate disruption.. the latest survey of peer-reviewed literature published from 2012 to november 2020 was conducted in two stages.
DD- Yep. We are all doomed. That’s why Elite Democrats are still buying Ocean front properties.
True say.
Like those nutters that glue themselves to the road here in the UK. They roll up in their gas guzzling SUVs. Use all the latest tech by way of phones and watches. Many are Daddy's little rich kid or some retired Middle class prick with nothing better to do. These wazzoks are fakes. Why don't they glue themselves to the roads in China or India?
If they really believed the crap they spew, they'd be living in caves and not luxuriating in modern tech they claim is to blame.
do you remember some of the weird and wacky stuff emanating from the watchtower society?
let's make a list from memory that we can use to inject a little humor into our discussions with jehovah's witnesses.
- venus may be an enormous jurassic park.. - germs don't cause disease.. - no beards allowed.
Thanks Radar.
Perhaps like many, myself included, the whole JW thing fades away.
I'm pretty much living an authentic life now. It's not how I wanted life to go, but at least it isn't false.
.....anyway ('anyways', with an 's' on the end, if you live over the Atlantic from me).....where were we, darlings?
a news article has the headline of " ‘case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans"; see https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/19/case-closed-999-of-scientists-agree-climate-emergency-caused-by-humans .
the article says in part the following.. 'the scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the cop26 summit in glasgow.. the degree of scientific certainty about the impact of greenhouse gases is now similar to the level of agreement on evolution and plate tectonics, the authors say, based on a survey of nearly 90,000 climate-related studies.
this means there is practically no doubt among experts that burning fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal, peat and trees, is heating the planet and causing more extreme weather.. a previous survey in 2013 showed 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering earth’s climate.. this has been updated and expanded by the study by cornell university that shows the tiny minority of sceptical voices has diminished to almost nothing as evidence mounts of the link between fossil-fuel burning and climate disruption.. the latest survey of peer-reviewed literature published from 2012 to november 2020 was conducted in two stages.
I like what Ben Shapiro said. It was that if the climate is gradually changing then it's not an emergency, it's a 'problem'. We are good at solving problems. But he speaks so fast, I can't keep up with him.
'Climate alarmism/emergency'....what a load of shit. I'm sick of hearing about it and seeing how it's been politisised to make money and gain control. Utter SHITE!!! The whole argument is based on what some blokes in white coats are blathering on about and how corrupt politicians can use it to their own ends. And Boris Johnson should tell Carrie to fXck right off.