NBD - The study of 'weasel words' in the Washtowel Publicatiobs(tm), is an interesting thing in itself.
JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
Serena Williams thinks she is a JW LMAO
by jojorabbit ini saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
she was praying for Armageddon to come
Bang goes her opulent lifestyle, then. Enjoy the cave love, it's the best we can offer because the Elders have taken all the best yurts.
we are living in critical times hard to deal with.This was her response to the Texas School shooting
Why do these people only see 'critical times(TM)' in terms of America. There is a world outside of America.
The cult GB give people like her a pass
Agreed on both counts.
It's no coincidence how the wealthy always get the perks in Jobot land.
Dunno. A bit before my time.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
biahi - Witnesses should use “comrade” instead of “friends”, seems more fitting.
Or 'fellow unworthy one'.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
NZom - the GB closes an update video with ... 'we love you all very much".
What is really mean -
the GB closes an update video with ... 'we love money, booze and abusing children all very much".
I don't think people realise what absolute filth the GovBod (Pee be upon them), really are.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
BB - In the U.K. we don’t say “friends“
You beat me to it.
My personal peeves were the buzzwords like...
We appreciate the grand privilege of unity, in this time of the end, as we go our separate ways. So, that's fine, isn't it Brothers(TM)!?!?
UFO's or Unidentified Aerial Fenomena....
by mikeflood inwhat do you guys think....the topic seems to being on fashion lately.
some in the borg told me one time "of course, they are for real, they could be angels, demons".. .
My mom used to say, how do we know there’s intelligent life in outer space?
There's none down here.
Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 Years.
by Foolednomore ini can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
I imagine the scene. 200 years from now, a born in(TM) (Because there won't be any new converts from outside), asks an Elder(tm), 'When will the end be?'
The Elder replies, 'Soon. No wait. Did you hear that?'
Born in, 'Hear what?'
Elder, 'That sound was the generations overlapping(tm) again. So you'll have to wait, but it'll be very soon now.'
And so, the 14 people left in the organisation(tm), were waiting again.
UFO's or Unidentified Aerial Fenomena....
by mikeflood inwhat do you guys think....the topic seems to being on fashion lately.
some in the borg told me one time "of course, they are for real, they could be angels, demons".. .
Whatty - I think the most logical explanation is humans from the future.
Perhaps they can tell us if 'Armageddon(TM)' came or if the 'Overlapping(tm)' is still happening.
What could it be?
by RolRod inin a previous thread i mentioned how the society took down the pyramid monument at rosemont cemetary in pittsburgh.
well now there's something being built on the same site.
i'm thinking a high watchtower monument.
Perhaps it's an overlapping graveyard.