BB Now, either the audience is not supposed to take these videos too literally, or they think the audience are pretty stupid…….
Or they think they're really clever.
that you had to sit through that puerile have my sympathy.
pursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
BB Now, either the audience is not supposed to take these videos too literally, or they think the audience are pretty stupid…….
Or they think they're really clever.
that you had to sit through that puerile have my sympathy.
here in 2022 if anyone says anything against the vaccines even a little bit you are almost apostate.. someone once mentioned all vaccinated sports stars collapsing and someone else said not to speak badly about the gb or by extension jehovah.. the gb can’t get out of this one, it’s gone too far.
it’s now the case that if you speak against the vaccines you are speaking against the gb and by extension jehovah .
I really don't believe anything I'm told. After being lied to by the WTB$ all my life, I find it hard to trust 'experts' or the media.
They all have some kind of agenda to either control us or get our money.
Don't follow the 'current thing', it's a trap.
pursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
I bet the big boys in the BOE (or was that Princes in the Earth(TM)?) would be bloody well jealous that this bloke had more celebrity status than them.
Hopefully, all the Governing Body(TM) drunken perverts, will have been raptured to Heaven(tm) by then, otherwise they'd mount a witch hunt against those with more celebrity status than their paedophile selves.
Perfection my ar$e.
is it ok to talk about the ongoing post about 'he who must not ne named"?.
my perspective: im a neutral observer.
i dont know lloyd evans, im not an active member of any ex-jw group (except this one i guess).
A trip to Thailand does not automatically equate to days of sex filled debauchery.
That's why I don't go there. I'm looking for a place that is though....and not Wolverhampton or Corby, either. (Adults, I stress. None of your Governing Body(TM) type of stuff).
Now, where's that rich widow?
why has the watchtower failed spectacularly to evangelize to the muslims?
considering the recent influx of muslim people in european countries you would think that some attempt from the religion that touts the are preaching the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth would have been made.instead the only meaningful attempt dates back to 1953 ,almost 70 years ago!!!!
book " man's search for god.what do you think?
Because Islam is a cult like the Jobots. If you're in the cult you'll never get out with any ease if alive.
It's a waste of money for the Jobot GB.
several years ago i was having a conversation with a neighbor inside a store and he told me that he was in the park one day with a friend who was then struck by lightning and after a few moments after being struck they walked away from there and while they were walking away my neighbor told me that his friend got hit by lightning a second time ki&&ing him.
after telling me this story lightning struck and we heard thunder.
coincidence or act of god?
i know there was a painting of a woman being resurrected naked and someone coming to greet her holding clothes, but what about after perfection, after the thousand years?.
the idea is we're supposed to achieve what adam lost by returning to human perfection, so wouldn't that include not wearing clothes, especially as the act of adam and eve hiding in the trees and sewing fig leaves signified shame, and imperfection passed on through the reproductive organs.
has the wt ever addressed this?
It's bad enough being in the presence of Jobots...but naked ones is a step too far. the thought has given me permanent erectile dysfunction.
is it ok to talk about the ongoing post about 'he who must not ne named"?.
my perspective: im a neutral observer.
i dont know lloyd evans, im not an active member of any ex-jw group (except this one i guess).
I'm not interested in 'he who shall not be named' and neither do I watch ex Jobot youpube vids. I'm hopefully beyond all that.
There's a life out there without getting entangled in all the other stuff. I never get involved with that post you mention, it just seems like a load of village gossip when I did tacitly look. It's one I really don't have the energy to get involved in.
I wonder if it's more about sniping than genuine concern.
I'm still looking for the rich widow. the search continues.
there seems to be a push to fast track the younger men to become elders.
beings jesus was 30 when he took up his ministry, i would think that would sort of be an age gauge...the older men were to have their children in subjection, so some were old enough to have children that were old enough to want to rebel.
( that's my slant ) how will the ones who have been jw for years respond to being counseled by those younger than some of their grandchildren?
Fooly - I notice how the rich celebrity Jobots rarely get in to trouble. Money talks to the GB. How else would TOMO the turd get drunk on fine Whiskey and protect his beloved paedos?