Jan - I do like to pull my punches
I look at what's happening here there and Tamworth and I get more convinced that we are all just a selfish species that inhabits a planet like fleas on a cat. We are none of us as important as we think we are. The human race is a deadly virus on this world. The whole process of our existence is insane. Our societies are mentally retarded.
We have no purpose, we only fool ourselves. We are tribal and animalistic.
Love is a trick of evolution to ensure the species reproduces. When it reproduces, it spews out hierarchical societies of sheeple and leaders. Goodness knows how we actually have survived.
We are living a grand lie.
UK Tax cuts. Will the UK ever improve? I'll be impressed if it does. Right now, my city is like an open sewer and getting worse.
Did I mention I hate authority and people in it?
Anyway, rant over. As you were.