It'll overlap with another year.
Or it might just get lost in the mists of time.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
It'll overlap with another year.
Or it might just get lost in the mists of time.
the bible records miracles such as resurrections, angels, prophecy and destructive acts of god to mention a few.
are these all a pack of lies?
how do you explain them?
The Bible records miracles such as resurrections, angels, prophecy and destructive acts of God to mention a few. Are these all a pack of lies?
Lies. Misgivings. Credulity. Who knows? Just because a book says something, doesn't make it true. Especially when there is no conclusive evidence.
It's a big grift that religious leaders, including Watchtower Corporation(tm) are using to exploit people for money and power.
How do you explain them?
I don't. No more than I explain any story from yonks ago. Did King Arthur or Robin Hood actually exist?
I am convinced they happened.
Good for you. Some of us are more sceptical.
The reason to be sceptical of claims is indeed the example of the Shirdi Sai Baba grift.
jw's seem to be getting desperate.
this three year old is paraded on a jw blog in cuenca, ecuador.
it is about 1/3 of the way down on the page.
Virtue signalling, hyper zealous mental cases.
The parents should be ashamed.
too young to vote, smoke, vote or drive a car but old enough for the parents to throw their child into a paedophile rich cult when the child is not of an age to decide.
These people make me spew my guts up.
i feel like there may be some old jw friends that i could call- they may not know i left jw- but somehow i am not inclined to.
i would have to play a game with them...i feel like i have nothing in common with them anymore.
i feel like if i did talk to them, i would want to tell them they have been duped and that will go over like a wet balloon.
When I was in the cult, I had no choice but to be 'friends' with people that I would otherwise avoid because of they are either bonkers or just not my type of associate.
Luckily, now I'm free from these dopes, I can choose my own muckers.
confessing to a crime lands a person in jail or worse.
there is a very interesting out of context commentary in a law book under the topic that describes the role of a child advocate that explains how humans intrinsically want and need to be free at all costs without encumbrances.
(in germany for example, the government recognizes this basic need and doesn't penalize jail escapes.
I would like to know people’s feelings on this from interpretation of the Bible. Must a person confess his sins to the church? Is confession mandated by God?
Well, that's me out of the thread. I have no belief that the Bible is other than a load of stuff bunged together carelessly by some blokes. Nothing to do with a God, if one even exists.
As a society, we live by 'social contract'. 'Sin' is an abstract load of religious nonsense IMHO. A tool to control the sheeple.
Others will disagree, but there it is.
back in the day when i was a young witness lad, you very much got the impression that at least the training as theocratic teachers was good.. even the bible reading back then had a short introduction and conclusion.
you had to research and prepare your own ministry school talks and then perhaps you would graduate to a half of a 55 minute public talk.
then later if you were a book study conductor, you got to decide which scriptures to read and highlight.
Indy - the meeting finishes that bit early.
That would be living the dream back in my day. Mind you, we had some very self opinionated Elders(tm) that would have use the time to spout their sanctimonious opinions. I remember more than up their own backside Elder(tm) that would do this.
Such small minded men that thought they were more important than they were in reality.
back in the day when i was a young witness lad, you very much got the impression that at least the training as theocratic teachers was good.. even the bible reading back then had a short introduction and conclusion.
you had to research and prepare your own ministry school talks and then perhaps you would graduate to a half of a 55 minute public talk.
then later if you were a book study conductor, you got to decide which scriptures to read and highlight.
Indy - it has to be made very easy these days, even taking the midweek chairman is easy enough. You are supposed to prepare every item in case someone can’t do it but they often just miss it out and finish early
I remember doing that when I was the Elder(tm) that looked after 'the Ministry School(tm)'. I'd ask for a volunteer. The usual bunch would volunteer or I'd cover it off myself.
The material was primary school mentality.
it's difficult to comprehend how arrogant the members of the governing body must be to sanction much of the content that appears in their literature.
they identify themselves as the 'faithful and discreet slave' - that alone requires an astonishing degree of pride.
but what is even more amazing - arguably to the level of insanity - is the way they then use that phrase to elevate themselves above the rest of the organisation.
UA - Thanks for spotting that.. I'll check my source. Then probably go on the sauce.
....according to lesbian comedienne.
"the archbishop of canterbury has conceded progress on same-sex marriage in the church of england would be "glacial", sandi toksvig has said.
the comedian revealed she had met justin welby for a "long-promised coffee" and the meeting had been "calm and considered", but the church's position was "untenable".
Looks like it's not only Jobots that get 'new light(tm)'.
They've got to keep the money rolling in somehow.
it's difficult to comprehend how arrogant the members of the governing body must be to sanction much of the content that appears in their literature.
they identify themselves as the 'faithful and discreet slave' - that alone requires an astonishing degree of pride.
but what is even more amazing - arguably to the level of insanity - is the way they then use that phrase to elevate themselves above the rest of the organisation.
Does“the faithful and discreet slave” endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate?—Matt.24:45,
No, it does not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do independent research on Bible-related subjects. Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the NewWorldTranslation
“Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah’s visible organization in mind.”—The Watchtower, October 1, 1967, p. 587
Do I endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural
research or debate?—Matt.24:45,
No,I do not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do independent research on Bible-related subjects. Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the NewWorldTranslation
“Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without me in mind.”—The Watchtower, October 1, 1967, p. 587