Punkofnice, were you, at one time, a JW?
Raised in the disgusting cult. Pioneer(tm). Mini-man(tm). Elder(tm).
Those were the worst days of my life. Now I'm ancient of days. A totally wasted life.
.......you will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
Punkofnice, were you, at one time, a JW?
Raised in the disgusting cult. Pioneer(tm). Mini-man(tm). Elder(tm).
Those were the worst days of my life. Now I'm ancient of days. A totally wasted life.
the bible says, that those who say 'there is no god' are fools.. april fools day yesterday, showed that people can be fools for believing something that did not happen.
yet, the bible says that fools are those who refuse to believe that which is true.. god can still save fools.... feel free to watch the latest short message of hope:.
[drivel removed].
The Bible says, that those who say 'There is no God' are fools.
Well, it would say that wouldn't it.
Never use the book to prove the content of the book. All rather circular.
.......you will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
Dissy - Some non-JW Christian Bibles also include the word "Translation" in the title of their Bible (including the original edition of the Darby Bible) and the New Living Translation (NLT).
Wasn't Darby a Jobot sympathiser? I remember getting his version from an a$$emb£y in Norwich many moons ago.
The NWT Bible is not a fake Bible. It is a real Bible and it is a good translation of the Bible.
There we will agree to disagree. (Cough**Westcott & Hort** by Bible standards dodgy**cough**).
As someone that thinks the Bible is a load of old rubbish anyway, and of no use to us, that we were conned by the popular misconceptions (The same as I feel about the Quran and other so called holy books), I see the Jobot version even more crappy than ever.
People are swayed by their preferred 'holy book'. I'm not. Folk can quote as many scriptures as they like, they're all worthless and totally meaningless to me. If you believe in the bible as god's word, knock yourselves out. Not my thing until I have that special revelation.............not holding breath.
Anyway (anyways with an 's' on the end if you are over the sea to me), Memorial(tm), I'd sooner burn my own legs off with a failing candle than go.
my name is ari matthew davies.
i am a life experience consultant counselor i have a doctor's degree theology psychology clinical addictions and computer sciences.
i am also baptized as well as jehovah's witnesses.. if you have a question i've got a lot of experience and a lot of real life training.
pontoon - expecting a "April Fool's Day!" at the end of your post.
I suspect you are correct.
probably but they’ve sent him back pretty darn quick!
i have from a very reliable source that he attends one of the poughkeepsie ny congregations.
i think there are 5 congregations there might be worth paying a visit if anyone lives near there..
Perhaps they want to preserve him....after all he's already well pickled. (Or is that just Brit humour?)
probably but they’ve sent him back pretty darn quick!
i have from a very reliable source that he attends one of the poughkeepsie ny congregations.
i think there are 5 congregations there might be worth paying a visit if anyone lives near there..
Hello, Mit. New here? If so, welcome.
Do you think the aliens would have probed him?
That can't be a real name. It sounds rather silly and like something from a child's story book.
One day, Daisy Bumble visited Pooh Keepsie.
might be worth paying a visit if anyone lives near there.
Alas, I live thousands of miles away across the sea. Maybe one day, but not to visit the Jojots; to go and laugh at the silly name of the place.
my name is ari matthew davies.
i am a life experience consultant counselor i have a doctor's degree theology psychology clinical addictions and computer sciences.
i am also baptized as well as jehovah's witnesses.. if you have a question i've got a lot of experience and a lot of real life training.
JIG - I have been recovered from my chemical addiction now 34 years I would love to hear your chemical addiction story perhaps you could identify with mine.
I never had any, so can't share anything.
So if you have a question just ask I'll be honest if I don't know I'll tell you I don't know.
Not really. All my questions have been answered and they all prove that the Watchtower(tm) is just a big business pretending to be a religion to get money and power for the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them).
What about your questions to ask us, on this forum?
Surely, if you're not trolling, you must be able to see the Watchtower(tm) for the scam it is?
it seems the watchtower are ploughing ahead with bigger and better film studios but come on, they really have no idea.. how come all the people in times past look like healthy, middle class americans/ europeans/australians in costume?
get real.
even a visit to rural india today would give a hint of how people probably lived back then.
It amuses me the way the beards are so obviously stuck on to the faces. The whiskers are unnaturally straight and protrude like aerials from the face.
TBH. I got sick of hearing the American accent for Middle Eastern people in the Drama(tm). I found it very jarring. I have nothing against my American cousins or the accent (apart from that Texan drawl that I find creepy), but it's the context. Also, in the context, some of the pronunciation is weird. When I was in an A$$emb£y drama we had to mime to American accents. We're British for goodness sakes, it felt perverted. But then Watchtower(tm) never did anything to accommodate other cultures. Even the bloody publications were full of American spelling and cultural references, sayings that meant bugger all to me. How lazy they were. Not diverse and inclusive of them, ay?!
EG. I was disappointed by that bland and boring actor who grates on me when he's in stuff, what's his face....er....lemme think....oh, yes, Kevin Costner playing Robin Hood. The only saving grace in that awful film was Alan Rickman. The rest of the film was Hollywood shite. Utter, total, 100% shite. If Costner was to play robin Hood, at least try to sound like a Brit. What a ham he really is.
With the 'Dramas(tm)', I like the way they look like they're dressed in towels stolen from a flea pit hotel.
watching this video and thinking about all jdubs who watch all the gov bod updates yes they are all definitely in the covid cult thanks to the gov body.
They're still trying to flog the Bat Flu hysteria to death. They're still shaking the tree for money.
Bat Flu wasn't what they said. Matt Hancock has proven that but the media have conveniently hidden the story now. I believe they were making money for their compadres by selling PPI etc.
I also believe Chris Whitty, Fergusson and Vallance are vile frauds that screwed the economy of the UK for selfish ends. There will be no justice because the filth protect their own. The MSM protect the filth. It isn't fair, there's no justice. None. Not a jot.
Bat Flu couldn't have been that bad because out politicians were still partying when they told us to stay under house arrest. They KNEW bat flu wasn't what they advertised it as but it gave them power and money whilst destroying our lives.
if a publisher openly told the elders that they thought the gb were wrong about some or a lot of things, but said they will not share these thoughts with anyone else then would this be a case of disassociation disgfellowship?.
my guess is lots of elders meetings and shepherding calls to try to get you to say something they could use against you.. but what would be the sin in which you are not repented?.
the only reason to be dissed is non repentance?.
You can get DF'd(tm) for anything if the Elders(tm) don't like you.
They'll find a way, even if it's Brazen Conduct(tm).