Jan - May l ask if your son was ever part of the Org and exposed to JW teaching ?
You may.
Sadly, I brought him up in the filthy, disgusting cult. Yes. He finds fellowship with St Paul's High Church actually quite genuine unlike the Corporation(tm) fake love. They all like me too, even though they know I'm mainly atheist/ slightly agnostic. I've had some interesting conversations with Rev Ron and his Missus.....I was very polite when expressing my views. They all seem to think the Corporation(tm) has ruined my mind.................it has.
Thanks Breezy, I will convey the same. He will be most interested.
LUHE - He's gone from a 'G-man' who was constantly arrested,
to a clean living geezer. On one of his encounters with the rozzers, one said to him, 'What does your Dad think of all this?' How the rozzer knew about me baffles me still.
Thanks SBreeze, I shall convey this to him. He will appreciate it.