Revelation is a very weird book in the Bible.
Make of it what you will but I reckon you can prove pink unicorns are coming out of Sunak's bum by using out of context scriptures.
It's all about how you can con people out of their money.
do you remember the book of revelation and how many times we had to study it?
in retrospect, all those hours turned out to be for nothing, the explanation of the prophecies is now completely outdated..
Revelation is a very weird book in the Bible.
Make of it what you will but I reckon you can prove pink unicorns are coming out of Sunak's bum by using out of context scriptures.
It's all about how you can con people out of their money.
we seem to have had an influx of religiots - the people who want to tell us all about how we / the wts / whoever are wrong, wrong, wrong about everything and how right they are.
they obviously have special insight, or voices (probably voices, right?
) telling them the real truth.. as proof, there is inevitably a wall of random scripture references and quotes.. sorry, but we're not here for that.
Droppy - maybe a number-of-character limit on posts would curb what appears to be cutting and pasting of book-length comments
Good diarrea.
I admit I never read long posts. Life's too short!
we seem to have had an influx of religiots - the people who want to tell us all about how we / the wts / whoever are wrong, wrong, wrong about everything and how right they are.
they obviously have special insight, or voices (probably voices, right?
) telling them the real truth.. as proof, there is inevitably a wall of random scripture references and quotes.. sorry, but we're not here for that.
Iriddle - I believe in the Bible.
I think there is interesting history and some truth or wisdom in the Bible. I feel there is more metaphor than literal things in it.
However, I don't want a barrage of BORING copy paste scripture splurge telling me what I have to believe.
If I want to believe or not, that's down to me. I'm an adult.
As Ron says, I don't need to be...
constantly pebble-dashed, machine gunned and splattered with scriptures and the bible
we seem to have had an influx of religiots - the people who want to tell us all about how we / the wts / whoever are wrong, wrong, wrong about everything and how right they are.
they obviously have special insight, or voices (probably voices, right?
) telling them the real truth.. as proof, there is inevitably a wall of random scripture references and quotes.. sorry, but we're not here for that.
If you got 1000 theologians discussing Bible stuff, they'd be disagreeing on stuff.
That someone says such and such a scripture means 'this'. What arrogant nonsense.
It always amuses me how there is a propensity to see the 'end time' as relevant to our lifetime.
The 'anti-christ(tm)' just happens to be someone/thing we know but all different opinions.
Tonus is correct in saying scriptures can be used in certain circumstances.
However, I am not here to be lectured by religious zealots that conclude things using out of context scriptures based on their own dimwitted interpretations.
I'll make up my own mind, thanks.
i've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
All this is part of the fantasy show of Politics.
Whilst we focus on it with our tribal lenses in, we'll never be free of the lie that is encapsulated within the media. Never be free to see the world as it really is but stuck perpetually in a tribal quagmire of struggle before death.
It's all a sham but sadly these bar stewards ruin our lives and we don't really have a say in it.
I loathe politicians.
i am relating this happening.
i shared some thoughts from the 1989 question from readers concerning christ being mediator between god and man ( the wt spinning that he isn't ) and also the paragraph in that same article that plainly says: clearly, then the new covenant is not a loose arrangement open to all mankind.
it is a carefully arranged legal provision involving god and anointed christians.
the older magazines didn't count because apostates had at one time infiltrated the society and they had to be cleaned out
Looks like Jehovah's Chariot(tm), really isn't road worthy.
The mental gymnastics the Jobots do to justify their fake religion is stunning.
i feel sorry for witness kids this week.
schools going crazy with the coronation in england.
witness won’t be allowed to participate in a harmless tradition that whatever you think of the monarchy will be a lot of fun..
The Coronation makes me feel miserable anyway...and I'm not a Jobot school kid.
I'm neither Monarchist nor Republican but feel the Royal family are no more than figureheads with much privilege. To my mind, this makes them parasites upon society.
this made me chuckle.
a new song that they are encouraged to practice for the convention.. “ we know your day will come, sure as the rising sun.
no matter how long it takes , it will not be late” …………... it is based on habakkuk 2 , we discussed this in depth around 1973/1974.
No matter how long it takes , it will not be late” …………..
What a contradiction in terms.
My brain 'urts!
If I went to order a pizza and the company couldn't tell me when it would arrive but told me, 'it won't be late.' I would laugh up my sleeve.
"a number of techniques employed to mislead others fall under the category of weasel words, and this article quotes examples that are regularly found in watchtower publications.. weasel words are defined as:.
“words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading,”[1].
intended “to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true."[2].
I'd like to know what scientist they are quoting or what researcher they are quoting from.
It was probably 'Andre(tm)'.
Their 'argument from authority' propaganda technique is really tiresome.
"a number of techniques employed to mislead others fall under the category of weasel words, and this article quotes examples that are regularly found in watchtower publications.. weasel words are defined as:.
“words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading,”[1].
intended “to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true."[2].
That's because the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), are weasels themselves.
How happifying!
This is one reason I never say 'in the truth(tm)'. Instead I say 'in the Corporation(tm)'.
I might even say 'trademark' too!