Welcome back GN.
I don't know what to say, really.
Live long and prosper?
i'm not sure if anyone remembers me since i do not post here much anymore.
i sometimes pop in around christmas time to see if anyone is interested in exchanging christmas cards like we used to back when i first posted on this site.
speaking of which, the holiday season will soon be upon us.. if you recall, i was married to a jehovah's witness and i had a daughter i spoke of a lot.
Welcome back GN.
I don't know what to say, really.
Live long and prosper?
.....and bethelites, c.o.
etc., because they are all acting disorderly by being parasites on the backs of their fellow christians!
(according to the inspired scriptures).
Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
The Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), only look to their own interests.
This is why the R&F(tm) (Their wording for JWs), have to provide everything out of their own pockets. Even down to sending letters out.
This is so that the GB can protect their like minded nonces. As we know, the GB are abusers mentally. They love to bully and abuse. Let there be karma upon these self serving grifters.
How disgusting are the GB!!
i would love to hear from anyone who may have encountered the following the traveling overseers:.
david wesley - an incredibly kind and humble man.
just the most down-to-earth co you'll ever find.
Bluesy - Richard Cullen
I didn't really get on with him. Someone said he was like Anthony Valentine playing Major Mohn in Colditz.
Barry Birtles - I found him to be a caustic company man along with Ray Shah and Charldon Johnson. Nope, not my kind of humans. They seemed to love the rock star status but be total inhuman in Elder(tm) meetings. Horrible experiences with them. Horrible!
Bro Kendal was a human as was Bev Gibbons, IMHO.
My Dad didn't get on with Bro Buckingham. He seemed to have a really dry sense of humour, if memory serves.
a few old timers on here often refer to the dumbing down of the jw organisation.
what examples can you think of from over the years?
(i ask as an interested outsider who was never in).
The 'Babylon book(tm)' and 'Finished Mystery(tm) book, compared to the twee little pastel shaded sheets they use now.
Both books were full of nonsense but at least a bit more 'chewy' than the pappy propaganda served now.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
Notty - I will cheerfully ignore anything he posts from now on
i would love to hear from anyone who may have encountered the following the traveling overseers:.
david wesley - an incredibly kind and humble man.
just the most down-to-earth co you'll ever find.
I only remember UK ones. So my list might be lost on most of you.
In the old days they were more 'Christian' in their manner. Then later, probably about 1980s(?) they became obnoxious company men.
december 2023 p. 6 par.
15 - "an especially fine work that gives evidence of our faith is our zealously sharing the good news with others.
why was nothing said to the 3000 about "preaching?
December 2023 p. 6 par. 15 - "An especially fine work that gives evidence of our faith is our zealously giving money to the Governing Body so that they can continue to protect their like minded paedophiles."
There! Fixed it for them.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
thanks NotFormer - It got my goat but then I guess FM did that on purpose. How people can't see him/her/them as a troll beats me.
Takes deep breath. Calms down. Laughs at Fisherman for being a prat with no life.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
FM - The invited minister should have realized beforehand that he was outside his jurisdiction inside the kh. He is not a Rev inside the kh.
It was not at the KH. It was at the local Crematorium. The Jobots were being their usual culty supercilious selves in a public place. My goodness, I'd never have agreed to the funeral in a KH.
Now if someone starts preaching another religion inside the kh, that is being disorderly and disrespectful.
Rev Ron is a better person than they are. He only said hello to everyone. God! FM are you fucking trolling again? Please FUCK OFF! Stay fucked off and don't fuck back on again. Happy?
You just dipped in on this post to use my pain for your trolling.
NotFormer is correct
Dubs were the strangers outside of their jurisdiction and acted like totally entitled prats!
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
It's just another piece of my history being erased.
Because I wasted so much time as a JW, I'm certainly not letting the cult get to my family.
I can bemoan a wasted life but I'm not wasting any more on a fake religion that only wants to bleed us all dry!