AM - What I did notice was that a lot of these media people were into astrology, spiritism and homosexuality.
That is quite amusing.
Smiles - Media is just a word that has come to mean bad journalism
Agreed. Snotty little turds telling lies.
Lee - I have visited Canada (Ontario), a couple of times. I can't speak for the Police there. On the whole I found the Canadian people polite. I'm speaking of the UK Police that are nothing but bullies and a disgusting cesspit of vile practice with cover up. EG. Sarah Everard's case!!!!!! To mention but one of the terrible things UK pigs do.
I know of 1 guy that specifically joined the Police so he could use his uniform to bully and steal. I DO NOT TRUST THE UK POLICE! To that end I won't support them. I'm sure there are good cops but I've never met a copper that wasn't corrupt, here in the UK.