Jan - Disagreement is fine. I'm not interested in America to be fair. I don't intend ever going there. I'm sick of their bloody TV shows as it is. Are they all heavily medicated and mental in Hollywood?
It seems to me that the UK is broken. The NHS is dying. The Police are broken. the Government is broken.
Comparing to other countries is fine. Some are worse but lots are much better.
We all have our views. There are conversations to be had, I'm sure. At this stage I will agree to disagree with your agreeing to disagree in a non disagreeable manner.
Try walking through Peterborough in the late hours without a stab-vest on. It's a bit stabby and robby. You won't hear about it in the news because it's too frequent and the police are beyond useless. Go up town during the day to be accosted by Crack zombies, fake homeless and duvet people. Actually, don't.
Is Tamworth any better? I've been there 3 times for an ex jobo reunion.
I gave a duvet person a fiver the other day. A bloke said, 'he's only going to buy drugs and booze with it.'
I replied, 'what do you think I was going to do with it?'
Stan - half the world we migrate to the UK if they could
They're already here with many illegals scrounging off us.
Where would I prefer to be?
Canada, Ontario perhaps.