I can't imagine our politicians or elites really want us to live longer.
They seem to have a pre-disposition against anything positive.
various researchers a have been looking for an anti-aging pill based on the assumption that, if you can maintain a higher.
level of various endogenous anti-oxidants ( catalase, sod, etc), you could probably slow down the aging process.
even some skeptics.
I can't imagine our politicians or elites really want us to live longer.
They seem to have a pre-disposition against anything positive.
how many jw's are aware they have "priests?".
w02 5/1 p. 16 par.
9 jehovah hates the course of treachery - "comparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as “a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god.”.
They are as bonkers as those fett-heads that go around claiming to be Jesus. Or those nutters that claim, 'God told me to do it.'
It's sad that people (me in the past), believed they were indeed God's representatives on Earth(tm).
I don't know who I hate more, myself for once believing it; or them for claiming it?
Oh, blow it! I'll blame them!
i was under the impression that it was going to be a short war, that russia’s military would indeed subdue ukraine’s forces quickly but that is not happening.
seems that russia’s military power is much less than it’s reputed to be.
no guess how it will all end..
Who knows how the 'current thing' will work out?
We probably won't know because a different 'current thing' will continue to divert our attention elsewhere and away from the criminal escapades of our corrupt politicians.
whenever you think of your time in the organisation you'll remember all of the books.
every year at a convention, new books brought out.
shelves at home groaning under the weight of multicoloured covered wts books!
Let's put it in perspective....
"But beyond this, my son, be a scammer: the writing of many books is good for making money, and excessive study is unimportant as long as you make money for TOMO3rd to get drunk."
but maybe they over-value their own abilities.
c'mon, imagining you could fight a gorilla, lion, elephant, or bear with your bare hands?!?.
this could be an amazing new reality tv show though ... "ok, bubba, you've just beaten a dog ... now for $16,000 do you want to fight a chimpanzee?
I judge individuals on their individual merits.
However, collectively I fear that when when America sneezes the UK catches cold.
I worry that the weird, mentally deranged neurosis we are currently seeing in America will infect us here. In many cases already has.
Any set of people that deify dubious characters like George Floyd need therapy.
here's mine:.
1. go immediately to college and study construction management.
2. set up an ira and start contributing every year.
Breezy. Never found her. Too late now, at my age.
I regret a life of Jobot righteousness. It got me nowhere.
here's mine:.
1. go immediately to college and study construction management.
2. set up an ira and start contributing every year.
1. I wished I'd been in a position to sing, 'I gave it up for music and a free electric band.'
2 to 7. I'd also have taken all the opportunities presented to have as much sex as possible with consenting adult females.
just curious about the rest of you.
i was bullied quite badly throughout my school years because of being a witness and not participating in religious holidays, sporting celebrations, assembly (worship), and the like.. it was mostly from other pupils but there were a couple of teachers who definitely treated me badly.
that was back when uk teachers still caned pupils or were allowed to hurl the heavy wooden blackboard duster across the room at them.... i still have ptsd flashbacks on some of those events even after 50 years!
I was bullied because I was a Jobot but not all that much.
There was a teacher that shouted at me for expressing Jobot ideas. This was in the 60's and 70's.
I was mainly bullied because I was a twat.
the sheeple have always been indoctrinated to think of themselves as witnesses for jehovah.. but the 8m followers of the jw governing body are now told a biblical truth - that they are witnesses for jesus!.
december 2022 study watchtower, p.21, par.
17 = "one of the primary reasons why satan wages war against god’s people is that they “have the work of bearing witness concerning jesus.” (rev.
Jan - The Churches of Christendom preach the Trinity so equating Jesus with Jehovah.
I wouldn't disagree. It seems the Jobots have their own version of what the Trinity is and claim that their version is what 'christendom(tm) teaches.
It's just another strawman or whatever you call them that the Jobot HQ has invented to keep the 'happiest people on Earth(tm) giving their money for TOMO's alcoholism and possible child porn addiction.
see: https://7news.com.au/news/crime/senior-jehovahs-witnesses-member-charged-with-rape-torture-and-assault-of-teenage-boys-c-8044666.
"senior jehovah’s witnesses member charged with rape, torture and assault of teenage boys...".
the 61 year-old man "faces 21 counts of rape, 17 counts of sexual assault, 13 counts of procuring sexual acts by false pretence and one count each of incest, torture and common assault.".
If he get's away with it, then the accusations are all 'apostate lies(tm)'.
If he gets convicted, all the Jobots will claim, 'he wasn't a real JW from the start.'
Either way, they think they win. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the abuse of children is not stopped.