A geezer I know had a chat with me when I was leaving the disgusting cult of Watchtower(tm).
He said that a true friend is a friend all the time, no matter what. Any 'friend' not like that, you're better off without.
That's life, mate!
i feel like i am burning another "friend" bridge.
i just can't seem to keep the lies the wt prints to myself!
i don't know how the pimo do it!
A geezer I know had a chat with me when I was leaving the disgusting cult of Watchtower(tm).
He said that a true friend is a friend all the time, no matter what. Any 'friend' not like that, you're better off without.
That's life, mate!
i hadn’t heard of this guy, andrew tate, until a few days ago, when he was mentioned on novara media (which is practically the only news i watch).
then i saw a clip with him where he explained why he moved to romania: he said he ‘likes romania because the police are corrupt and you can pay them off’.
(practically a direct quote) i thought to myself at the time that sounded a bit complacent!
I don't believe for one minute that whoever writes on behalf of Greta T and Tate's video reply had anything to do with the arrests. It's just the Thunberg industry taking credit.
Tate would have entered Roumania with a passport that authorities could be alerted to. They know where he lives and where his clubs are.
The Thunberg industry or the Tate industry. I have no time for either. However, on this occasion it looks like the media is promoting a climate alarmist (who has no solutions), to push 'the message'.
Saint Greta took down Tate. What rubbish and spin.
Filthy JW nonce. Drunken sot TOMO the turd will protect the Organisations (tm) reputation because they are nonce lovers. I hope the governing body (tm) are raided too. Dirty nonces. I loathe them. If it was my grand kids, I'd be on the warpath. It's about time they were all on trial with no kid gloves. Capital punishment for those drunken filth
how can i report a corruption in a kingdom hall?
can i escalate this to the jw headquarter?
any suggestions are appreciated..
Hello V Goh
Can I escalate this to the JW headquarter?
Escalate what exactly?
Beware. The Watchtower Corporation are a tricky bunch of grifters. The first thing they might do is get you disfellowshipped(tm) if it means the Corporation will lose money. Money that they use to protect nonces in the courts.
if you drink macallan whisky, at armageddon you will become righteous immediately, a son of god, brother of christ, an immortal king/priest, and to cap it all, help all the un-righteous minions on earth grow to perfection gradually over the next 12,000 months.
no such 'growing' needed for macallan drinkers!
study watchtower september 2022 par.
Confucius say, 'Man with hands in pocket feels cocky all day.'
Is that a fat belly or where this drunken sot stashes his booze?
(Hic! Take me drunk, I'm home)
psalm 110:1 (niv) “the lord says to my lord: “sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”” .
psalm 110:1 (trv) “the lord god almighty says to a third of himself: “sit at my/our right hands until i make our/your enemies a footstool for our/your feet.”” (but don't tell the other third) .
He was beside himself.
I'll get my coat................
i've missed seeing his posts; i hope he's okay - maybe on a nice vacation (or i guess i should say holiday) and enjoying himself..
Happy Solstice to you too Stan the man.
The 'U' in my word 'Luck' has been replaced with an 'A'.
One day my shipload of shirt buttons will come in, as Granny Jackson used to say.
i've missed seeing his posts; i hope he's okay - maybe on a nice vacation (or i guess i should say holiday) and enjoying himself..
Hello, Ribby and Phuzster.
I lurk a bit. At the moment I'm taking a 'vacation' from JW related things. I am getting close to retirement and seeking a more peaceful way of living.
That rich widow still hasn't seen my worth and snapped me up yet. Well, no one has, rich, widowed or otherwise.
It's odd. It only seems a short time ago that I was leaving school and looking to get a job to start off. Now, it's all ending. I don't like it. I still feel young in my head.
Any road up, I'm having the odd look in here but trying to get the vile Corporation out of my head. I loathe them.
Love you guys.
seriously....this is an article on jw.borg.. really?
football - or soccer - and bible?.
these guys have really lost the plot.. i can promise you that bible does not say a flying flaming about world cup.. however, as much as people want them to, these events cannot provide lasting unity.
Click bait?
I didn't watch any of the World Cup, Footie bores me.
Like TOMO the turd and his nonces know anything about sport, unless it's a drinking match.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
FM - Is that what you conclude after being on this forum longer than you?
Like that makes any difference.
Also, it was 3AM, mate when I posted this thread. Try to use a little common sense.
Why post at that hour? Try to use a little common sense.
FM is Simon having a laugh, right? Come on own up!