It depends on what the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), allow him to do.
Remember, they insinuate that they are higher than he is.
In the case of TOMO 3rd, higher means more drunk.
would he be working on the massive audio/visual complex being built at ramapo?.
i overheard my wife listening to some update broadcast this morning and immediately thought would a true humanitarian such as jesus, mahatma gandhi or albert schweitzer be at all interested in such things?
these were 'people' persons not interesting in the stupid trappings of life.. if the gb were to sanction the building of hospitals, orphanages, refugee centers and the like, maybe we would have a little more respect for them but this ramapo project seems like a sense waste of time, energy and money.
It depends on what the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), allow him to do.
Remember, they insinuate that they are higher than he is.
In the case of TOMO 3rd, higher means more drunk.
I would honk in Morse code that spells 'I do not. Move your arse.'
i personally have only attended a handful of meetings at kingdom halls.
i did not enjoy any of them nor was i impressed by anything that was conveyed.
perhaps others did not find them boring as i did.. nadia viotto has this to say about her experience.
How did you find Jehovah's Witness meetings?
I went to the Kingdom Hall and there they were.
Seriously though.
Austere. Cold. Fake. Weirdly very depressing. I remember the smell of the damp toilets more than anything they were saying. When I tried to reflect on what I'd 'learned(tm)', it had no substance. I remember trying to use the WT Library(TM) to put a notebook together about the background of Jesus and the Apostles. Even with the Great Teacher book(tm) I found little of interest. It was all do more, do more, you are crap compared to the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them).
When I became an Elder(tm), I needed alcohol to steady my reeling brain. Then I came to the realisation it was all just a big Corporation using a fake religion as a cash cow. That was liberating.
I cannot accept religion now because the Corporation has worked my swede over with a mallet of their utter unChristian hate.
If I'm damned to Hell, then it's their fault and God can apologise to me. If I'm right, there is no God, it's all just an empty psychosis.
shower thought entered my mind the other day... jesus christ.
as per doctrine.
is still alive in heaven right now correct?
sharpster - Jesus Christ. as per doctrine
Supposing it's all just fairy tales and nonsense?
Wouldn't that be a much better explanation and show why none of this 'Bible' stuff works in practice?
just a shower thought came to mind.. while jesus was nailed to the stake/cross (take your pick) because of the witnesses lack of belief in hell.
does that mean according to witness doctrine that satan and his demons were in heaven while jesus was being executed?.
what about after jesus went to heaven?
Sharpie - I know some folks here may have left all religion after leaving the watchtower, and some may have went to other forms of Christiantiy. Just looking to see what the best explaination would be? Because having that thought just causes a lot of head scratching
I'm pretty much in the 'left all religion camp. This is why I ask myself, 'Supposing none of this ever happened, and is all just fairy tales?'
I think we'd need to define what 'heaven' is. Is it a fluffy place full of harps and wings? Is it a multi-layered place? What is it?
the little demon went totally awol for 3 winters, 2019 - 2021, but now it's back with a vengeance: .
"the first minister turns to the "extraordinary levels of winter flu.
I don't trust 'the message' form the media. I hope to avoid taking sides or conspiracies.
I honestly think that most of the information we get spoon-fed is to suit a political agenda or that those giving it are just dimwits.
Look at Chris Whitty and Ian Vallance (I refuse to call them 'Sir' because they do not deserve that honour). All their modelling was out by quadrillions. Yet their tat was spouted like it was definite and going to happen just so.
These people are either just as thick as 2 planks or devious pawns in a bigger plot.
Personally, I just think they don't use joined up thinking and love themselves.
Any road up, The Flu seems interchangeable with Rona. Rona now has a stigma attached that I don't think it warrants. You could say the media and politicians use this stigma for their own evil ends or just that they are clueless wazzocks.
Take your pick........unless there is a 3rd option.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
I remember when I discovered the Watchtower Corporation(tm) was no more than a scam. That was 11 years ago.
I thought that god would rain down fire and brimstone on Watchtower Corporation(tm) for their evil.
It didn't happen. It won't happen.
There is no God, or at least one that cares about our feelings or Watchtower Corporation(tm).
The Corporation(tm) will be around longer than us.
The Jobots are false friends. Stay if you want but you'll regret it.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
get all the good things from being physically in. I mean I like the people in the congregations around here. There are some great people who are always there for each other.
Until you say or do something they don't like. Then they'll turn on you and shun you.
I wager they're not that great, believe me.
I honestly think you're deluding yourself and the more you research this fake cult is the more you'll want to 'flee from her(tm)'.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
My question would be; Why would God focus on the JWs and avoid other religions or belief systems like Islam or Animism if they are supposed to be just as wrong?
I think that the belief that God is only focused on the Jobots is a bit myopic.
Just because we don't agree with the Watchtower Corporation(tm), doesn't mean any other power, human or otherwise could give a monkeys.
from what i know most territory maps in most congregations are being done much much slower than before.
my congregation is very very slow getting round the territory compared to before.
then pioneers will have hour requirement coming back in march but they are just not used to getting 3hrs a day 7 days a week.. many congregations used to get round all their territory every so often, now all congregations around north london where i am (yes i’m an ms involved with territory servants) are hardly getting around their territory at all.. of course letter writing was slow going but now back to first call hardly anyone is going out in person and those few that do don’t do that much.. even the elders who are supposed to take the lead don’t seem to come out much at all and when they do i know of more than one example of them only doing ten mins maybe a few houses then going for the obligatory coffee break.
From what I know most territory maps in most congregations are being done much much slower than before
Blimey. they must be in slomo.
There was always the 'pioneer walk(tm)'. This meant you went slowly as it was. I'm going back to when I pie on eared back in the 80s here in the UK.
North London where I am
Make sure you don't get stabbed. Sadiq Khan, the crappiest Mayor London ever had, doesn't care about crime. He's a narcissistic swine of a poor excuse for a human. We can only wish calamity upon him.