We've had this conversation a few times over the years. The point is moot.
The JWs are a fake religion whatever you describe them as.
i see this phrase a lot: "the indication of a cult is what happens when you leave.
" i'm not sure where that originated, but it is a faulty categorization.
"cult" is almost always used in a derogatory way.
We've had this conversation a few times over the years. The point is moot.
The JWs are a fake religion whatever you describe them as.
hello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
Kossy - The end to the Watchtower organization is foretold in the Bible:
It'd be nice to think so. However, it doesn't say or infer that in the vaguery it uses. I think you're putting too high a value on the fake religion that no one in their right mind cares about.
This chapter would more likely be about ending the oppression of the Jews back then. Look at the timeline and when it was written. VS:1.
The Watchtower Corporation(tm) isn't big enough or important enough to be the biggest part of a prophecy.
That's my sixpence ha'penny on it anyway.
this video starts slow, but is worth the watch.
Beth's Serum - If ONE of those eldubs has a 'grudge' or a bone to pick with,,,,your goose is cooked.
If you are not liked, the supercilious schnooks will find a way to get rid of you.
Power corrupts. Like their leaders the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), they enjoy abusing people and especially children.
most ex jws are bitter and twisted.
they have a chip on their shoulder that they wasted so much of their life.
many end up making a proper mess of their lives perfectly exemplified by lloyd evans.. yet on the other hand for those leaving the cult it is only ex members of the cult who could ever understand what they are going through .
Nothing's perfect. 100% of people are a bit bonkers in some way or another.
Boog - When Boaz lost his wife, did he become ruthless?
Probably relieved.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
Thanks, my friends.
I have a couple of tinnies in my fridge but they await a day of thirst.
I haven't had any booze in a long time. Oddly enough, keeping an eye on Mother up until the end meant I didn't want to feel unfit or too giddy.
I seem to be on the wagon by default now.
we had an elder that was hung up on mens haircuts he had a real thing about how short mens hair should be and even told one bro off for parting his hair down the middle.. even told one bro to shave off his sideburns.. a c.o who was paronoid about sound always telling the bro in charge off.. .
a d.o who orded the attendants to remove crying babys from assemblys on more than a few occations...hans hubler for those that know him..
Just goes to show; give a pea brained nobody a bit of power and they'll abuse it.
i remember him on this site when he was called cedars and had jw survey.. straightaway i noticed he could not accept suggestions.. the time i knew he was dangerous was when his group aawa added people to their fb group without their permission and were outed.. he refused to close the fb page (whilst celebrating 1300 members joining in a few days).
one member complained and was subsequently disfellowshipped, which could easily have been avoided.. three week's after launching, the fb page was closed down.
from that moment i knew james lloyd evans was dangerous.. when did you realise he not good?.
Jan from Tam - Excuse my ignorance but what is AAWA ?
Some Anti Watchtower acronym. Short lived and if memory serves, changed its name.
TBH. I never really took much notice of it all in the end. At first yes. But now it's like everything else; has its day.
As for him being a 'wrongun', I can't say I really took any notice. I wasn't watching his show. Like most things, I view them as novelty items. Many out there are looking for fame and fortune. It's a hollow dream. I'm bored of these 'celeb' types. They infect the airwaves with attention seeking.
i thought this fellow, not sure if he is pimo or pomo, who goes by the name anonymous, gives a fair opinion summary.. "i was a jw for many years, but generally not a particularly stellar example of one.
your question has two components, and i will address them separately:.
opinion of jws as a people:.
The Watchtower Corporation(tm) is a fake religion. The Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them) are CEOs of a big company reliant on conning people out of money and assets. Much of which is used in the protection of nonces.
JWs themselves are mostly honest people who think they're doing right and being law abiding. Apart from a few sanctimonious creeps that would be better placed in political office because of their corrupt mind.
hello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
Kossy - I hope you now understand that the Watchtower Corporation (Tm) and the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them), are just a big corporation. They are a fake religion. Truth is not in them one jot!
They never have and never will preach the full truth. They are a big business in the market for conning money and assets from people so that the top dogs can live a luxurious, rock star lifestyle. It's a cult and a sham.
However, I do prefer full chapters in context. Single verses stitched together can 'prove' anything.
I hope you can leave the WBT$ well behind.