How right you are Simon. Childhood? What childhood? No memories of anything normal. Plenty of memories of sitting at assembly's being bored to death or scared to death about being killed by god. No going to baseball games or football games. No birthday parties because that is evil. No special day's at all. Memorial of Christ death is not a special day. That just means staying up late on a school night so you can sit some more and be bored. No real friends. No hope for the furture at all. All you hear day in and day out is how god is going to kill everyone soon so don't have any friends or think about getting a education. Yes the cult has taken a great toll on all our childhoods.
I am just now beginning to get to know family I was isolated from because they were not JW. For those who are JW all they worry about is if you are following orders from the GB. If not why? They don't care about you or how you feel. All they care about is not taking any responsiblity for themselves and projecting their feelings on others.
My memories right now are full of pain. The pain of being raised in the JW cult. The pain of raising my children in the JW cult. The damage has been done and there is no turning the clock back. So forward I go trying to make some sense out of this life I have left. Making new connections is a very slow process. They have come and will continue to come but they take time.
My hope is someday our children will also wake up and see the damage this cult has done to them. How their cult thinking is destroying themselves and their children. I hope to live long enough to see them finally come to their senses. But for now I worry about them knowing they will have nothing to do with us because we will not walk the path of the cult. Totally ADD