I was thinking of another hole to place the JW's in regards to what Standfirm is saying.
The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that a great apostasy overtook the church (organization) after the Apostles died off. In a nuthshell they believe that a huge span of history was left in a vacuum without this guidance of a church (organization), but that there was always "true" believers. Then the church (organization) was restored in modern times. In a simple way they believe something like this.
Let us concede to this for the moment.
If this is true then what they have done is put themselves in a big barrel with every other modern day religion. Who is to say the Jehovah's Witnesses are not all apostates and that the Mormon church, Seventh day Adventist, Church of God, or even Lutherans are correct. Who is even to say that the Jehovah's Witnesses were the actual restored church in the beginning during Bible student days but they themselves fell into apostasy. How does a member of a church such as Jehovah's Witnesses know if they are following an apostate church today or that God turned it over to another group? The questions from this are endless.
From an outsiders perspective one would need to analyze over 33 000 religions to see which one is correct. How does one then determine which church becomes that one "true church" of the first century that was aparently lost in apostasy?
Just because something makes "sense" to one person does not mean another will find it to have value and believe it to be true. Therefore as an outsider we are left with all religions and endless Biblical interpretations.
Jehovah's Witnesses may counter and say, "we are unique and not like the others". I will give them that, but uniquness does not necessarilly preclude being "right" or "in the truth", nor does there simpleton literal approach to scriptures.
Their argument reduces them to nothing!