An apostate can defined by various means. In its most raw form it is the abandonment of ones religous, political or idealogical ideals in exchange for another. In laymans terms it is a traiter to what one believes based on the perspective of the group that one had belonged to.
Most jehovah's witnesses are apostates because they left their belief systems and traded them in for another.
My grandpa, for example, was raised Lutheran, and eventually became a baptized JW. He, therefore was an apostate to the Lutheran church based on the above definition.
There are probably more apostate witnesses than not. The whole religion is based off of apostacy. Historically CT Russel was an apostate to the Prypeterian church.
HISTORICALLY IT IS A RELIGION OF APOSTATES only to feed off of others and perpetuate their cause.
If you don't want to be an apostate then get out and find true Christianity or life in Christ.
The label is of no importance.
Proud to be an anti-apostate of the apostates of Christ