Dear djeggnog,
I think what you wrote is spot on. I have noticed that people using tablet computers are finding them more handy and useful than what they previously though they would. I would liken it to a mechanics tool box in which you can grab an adjustable wrench and and an interchangeable screwdriver to do most tasks at hand but the specialty tools are still there. In much the same way these tablet computers are great for many things but the specialty functions of a desktop or laptop are needed to get down into tasks that require more hardware or software performance.
I have decided to wait until fall of this year so that I can use a tablet computer on the next school year. I will purchase one then.
Speaking of flash. I know that flash is on it's way out but we seem to be in the transition period now. Even Microsofts Metro and Windows 8 will not cater to flash and will be using HTML5. This kind of reminds me when Apple took the first step in removing the floppy drives from their computers many years ago. People thought it was crazy but just look at the situ now. Floppies were a standard and now they're gone.
I honestly believe that mobile operating systems will become stronger and more resourceful over the next decade and will probably displace the majority of the old desktop operating systems.
I'm anxious to see how this pans out. I will make my switch this fall, but still keep my old laptop as backup for awhile.
I also noted that most people who have never used Apples products really seem to like the Ipad whereas before they would not have considered it due to faithfulness and familiarity with Linux or Microsoft products.
I think Android will improve and I'm guessing we will have two rivals competing in the "post pc" era, much like Microsoft and Apple compete in the pc era. However, I believe that the game will be more evenly matched.
It should be noted that I also tend to think that the first system to really integrate this new "way" of computing and take the lead, will probably go to the one that seeds itself into the corporate world. Apple seems to have the edge here at present. Ipads are being used by professionals much more than Android tablets in the business and professional sector.
On the other hand Apple's achilles heal tends to be lack of hardware customability, which Android can port to several manufacturers making their market much deeper to the variables that exist with users.
Thanks again for that information you posted.