If their families pay the cost, they may "inherit" their own small piece of "real estate".
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
The meek will inherit the Earth- not
by waton intoday's daily text 1-17 2020. .
the other sheep will be tenants, not owners in paradise, they will be only " allowed to live there.
" w 2018 sept page 19, par #8&9.
Animals as vegetarians thread continued
by Crazyguy2 ini found out just last night that back in 2015 scientists discovered a piece of amber estimated to be over 15 million years old.
inside the amber was a flea, very similar to the size and kind that attack and eat our blood today.
whats even more astonishing is in the mouth they found bacteria that has the same make up as bubonic plague.
They would say the "carbon dating" was inaccurate.
Are some of you scared?
by BlackTwisted inare some of you scared that armageddon may be coming anytime?
just the thought and the picture in your head that anybody can get killed....>.<.
Nope. I am concerned about terrorism though.
I think that is the only "armageddon" mankind has to worry about -- a terrorist or "rogue nation" with nuclear capability or armageddon brought on by germ or chemical warfare.
Those "weapons" are out there. They will probably be used at some time in history. It will probably mean "armageddon" for some of the victims.
Would You Ever Go Back To The Witnesses??
by minimus inevery once in a while you hear people say they actually “miss” their old witness friends and or family.
some would have even stayed in the organization if they became a bit more liberal and open minded.
I could not sit and listen to some ignorant buffoon preaching bullshit with no right of reply. ~ Cofty
I agree, Cofty!
We (wife & I) have even discussed if we would be better off just "faking it" vs fading as we have. We miss the camaraderie of our old (conditional) friends. (Really, most are "good" people, they are just brainwashed and following the Cult mentality. They fear we are wicked! Or, they feel taking a stand to "shun" us will "bring us back".)
But we no longer believe any of the JW bullshit. In fact, we don't really believe the Bible is anything but a book of (mostly) "good principles" for life. (OK-- Ya have to pick and choose what is "good" and ignore the rest.) I don't think we even believe is a supernatural being (God). Personally, I would LIKE TO BELIEVE, but there just is no evidence to support any of it (IMO). Especially is that true of JW-sim. Once you have seen "The Great Oz" that is behind the curtain, you can never un-see it. It's all a farce. Smoke & mirrors.
Were the JWs ever anywhere near a bona fide religion?
by punkofnice inthe religion/corporation has changed constantly since the start.
they appear more whacko than ever.. but, were the jws ever anywhere near a bona fide religion at any time?.
disclaimer: i think all religions are a scam.
Are JWj's any less "bona fide" than the Catholics, Lutherans, Mormons, Pentacostals?
They all CLAIM to speak for God or interpret for God. They all "sell" speculation because what they teach can neither be proven or unproven. Did Grandma really "go to heaven"? I know plenty of people who have had visions or "evidence" of Grandma helping them from heaven. (Yeah, it's BS, but they WANT to believe it.)
(All) religion is a snare and a racket!
I had to submit to a drugs test yesterday.
by joe134cd ini had to submit to a random work place drugs test yesterday, of which i passed.
in this country smoking marijuana / methamphetamine is illegal.
the thing that really struck me was that despite the illegal nature of it, was just how prevalent and problem is.
Pot is NOT legal in the US -- at least not from Federal Standards -- the law is just not enforced. It is "legal" in many States as far as State law. Employers who test will state that it is illegal in Federal Law. Insurance companies must continue to feel that there is a lowering of standards (safety, judgement, etc) by those who use pot because it is the insurers who push business to drug test in the name of "safety".
Example, If the driver at my trucking company caused an accident and tested "positive" for drugs (even thogh it was 2-3 days since using drugs), that information would be used in court against the business (liability is to the insurer). It's all about the money. Legalization is all about the money. The motive of State legalization is so they can tax it. Like almost everything -- Follow the Money!
Who make up the new memorial partakers?
by jwfacts inwhen the doctrine regarding 1935 being the close of the calling was done away with in 2007, it was not unexpected to see the number rise.
over the next few years it went from around 8,500 to 10,500. this seemed to indicate that there were a couple of thousand people that may have felt they had the calling all along, but too shy to profess it.
for the 30 year period between the mid 1978 and 2007, parktakers had barely dropped.
All of the "new partakers" that with whom I am acquainted have some kind of mental illness, typically bi-polar disorder. One symptom of bi-polar (when one is manic) is feeling "godlike". What more for a JW to feel "godlike" than to be one of the very few handpicked by God to serve over all other creation?
Note that all of the current GB qualify as "new partakers" in that, none were even born before 1935, let alone began partaking by then.
German businessman registers "Watchtower" and "Awake!" trademarks, expects offer from JWs
by processor inseriously.. https://www.wuv.de/marketing/unternehmer_sichert_sich_marken_der_jehovas.
businessman felt harassed by jws, so he found that word marks "der wachtturm" and "erwachet!
" (german versions of "the watchtower" and "awake!
"It’s almost like the organization has no
foresightHoly Spirit or Divine Direction."There, Winston, I fixed your quote.
"Shout louder! Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened." ~ 1 Kings 18:27
Looks like Joe Hoover was sleeping when the WT Big Shots forgot to protect the trademark of His magazine.
Do You Trump Should Have Exterminated That Poor Iranian Fellow?
by minimus ingood move or bad?
That's all fine and dandy until the shit hits the fan and then who is it that is expected to swoop in and fix the f*ck up?
Desirous of Change ...
Perhaps England, Germany, Norway, Finland, France, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Greece, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland and many more than I can mention here.
Is that enough? They are much closer to the action than the US.Really?
UK France Italy & Germany all have military power rated less than even India. None of them even hit the Top 5 in military spending. (Example: the US spends well over 10 times what is spent by Germany)
I agree they are all closer and I really think it's a great idea to let those who are closer to the problem handle it. Should the US really have bases in the Middle East? Europe? Let's just worry about our side of the planet. Of course, how did that work in the 1930's/1940's with Hitler?
I hope Trump concedes that this missile strike is just token retaliation and brings the troops home and ratchets up the monetary sanctions (Iran had 40% inflation and 10% decrease in GDP in 2019) along with an offer of diplomacy. The only other alternative that there is is to go in with massive military force and bring them to their knees. Take out every Iranian military base, sink every military vessel, level every nuclear weapons site, burn every oil field, destroy every refinery, No more endless "military actions".
Do You Trump Should Have Exterminated That Poor Iranian Fellow?
by minimus ingood move or bad?
If you stop putting your face into places that it doesn't belong you won't get punched. ~ RubaDub
Yeah that's fine. The US shouldn't be sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. That's all fine and dandy until the shit hits the fan and then who is it that is expected to swoop in and fix the f*ck up? US Navy Seals and Green Berets. Yes, the UK is a dependable ally, but France will raise their white flags (as in every war) and the other NATO members will toss in some token assistance. But US soldiers will die.
This may be about to change. We don't need the Middle East oil anymore. The US is now EXPORTING oil. (Thank you orange man!) Then who are you going to call on to bail everyone out? Who's going to deal with these towel head extremists when they get nuclear weapons? Should we care if they turn all of that worthless sand into glass? Unfortunately they will be able to f*ck up our side of the planet too.