Blow jobs are still bad.
Not true. Some are just better than others.
what's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives on the jan 2025 w that is being studied today?.
is there a point to that?.
Blow jobs are still bad.
Not true. Some are just better than others.
simple.... .
watchtower + meme !.
anything is acceptable, but make your meme your own, hand written scrawls on microsoft paint are just as funny so don't worry about quality.
simple.... .
watchtower + meme !.
anything is acceptable, but make your meme your own, hand written scrawls on microsoft paint are just as funny so don't worry about quality.
i’m hoping the memorial talk will be different.
change the talk!
I suspect they will still state that this may very well be the LAST time we have such a gathering in this system of things.
in the march 2025 jw broadcast david splane in his morning worship talk mentioned that "some thought" that armageddon would come 40 years after 1914. such statements are usually meant to shift the blame of their own false predictions on to their members for speculating.
however, i was unable to find anything in print showing that such a thing was indeed taught by the society.
was this really a thing?.
1941 was the release of the book "Children" at the convention in St Louis. The book has the scripted conversation which explains that youth of that day would never be able to marry or have children in the limited time remaining in this system of things. (However I know of no specific mention of 1954.)
the verdict is out.
after full understanding and decision by the state administrator, full confirmation in the appeal case by the ministry of children and family affairs, three victories in the injunction case, a full victory in the district court, we now faced a loss in the court of appeal.
I think anyone with functioning brain cells should not only be embarrassed to be a JW - but they should have been out the door by now. -- LHG
Fact is .............anyone with functioning braincells IS ALREADY OUT THE DOOR. (Many of them congregating here, at least temporarily.)
just in.
a jaw dropping announcements and reminders for elders this month.
how can you serve as an elder and believe this organization is spirit directed after reading this letter?.
Generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage.
Guess they've never been in a the locker room after 18 holes of golf and a 12-pack. Nor in a hot tub with a few other couples and a pitcher of margs.
since i faded i've told a few people at work about having been raised in this organization but i found that most people don't really get what it is like at all.
they just focus on not celebrating holidays as if that is the worst thing about growing up jw.
i didn't explain much because it's too much for most people to handle.
I never share being an ex jw if possible, especially at work. ~ Balaamsass
Only a Jehovah Witness can understand the profound affect it has on your life to be one. ~ moomanchu
AND, only an ex-JW can understand the profound effect that leaving it has on you life. Other people of any other religion can leave the religion of their youth and simply "move on". They can join another church/religion or they can ignore religion or even claim agnosticism or atheism and they are not subject to any ostracism or harassment. They CANNOT comprehend what happens when a JW abandons "The Troof". Others CANNOT even imagine the retaliation it brings from nearly everyone else in your network (because you have been told to limit your network to only JWs).
And as far as sharing with anyone (new friends, associates) of our past JW life, or even our experiences as ex-JWs -- we simply do not mention it. First of all because of the above reason. They just won't "get it". Second, personally I'm too damn embarrassed to admit it. IF they know anything about JWs, they know that JWs have been predicting the End of the World for......forever. And, If they know that, then they know that it has not happened and that the "goofball" JWs are still out there predicting it.
Why would anyone ever admit to being so damn gullible?
i swear, you can't make this shit up!
for years and years growing up in this cult, i had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth.
" of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning elduhzzzz who ran and lorded it out over the congregations, but i digress.
i think i may be moving on shortly.
i officially joined this web-site 12 years ago as pimo about to exit the organisation.
i had spent about a year before that, as just a none commenting member.
For one to "move forward" in their exit from the JW's, I do think you eventually have to become an Ex Ex-JW.
And, I realize I have not yet taken that step, at least not fully. That is based on the fact that I still check in here pretty regularly on this ex-JW group. Yet, I do see my exit as still being progressive. I used to check in here to keep up to date on all the JW changes (aka New Light) because it was better than following it on the JWdotBorg site.
But now when I check in here I realize I no longer give a shit about the JW doctrinal changes and such. That stuff just does not affect me much any longer. I do not feel the need to be able to "talk" the (JW) talk. I just don't care!!
I rather prefer to follow the topic dealing with world politics. Although I think that I have traveled quite a bit more than the average American, I don't think traveling as a "tourist" allows one to "get the feel" of things when you're here or there for a week or two. And I thank the many here who help me get a better perspective than if I was totally isolated. So, although I've read of some posts where members here ask Simon to shut down the political conversations, I'm glad he has not done so. And, since the JW hierarchy seems to find their "tit in the wringer" with various governments these days, I think this is the only place we would find out about such things. (Certainly not going to find it in the current events on the Borg site.)
Joe, I think your posts indicate a similar "transition". You started here stating you "were alone" yet still "sticking up" for WT. I'm not sure I have gone through all the steps that Lee posted above, but certainly a lot of them and clearly some/many of them all at the same time.
Good luck to ya! Please do check in from time to time and give us an update!
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!