JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
JWs In The UK: Jehovah's Witnesses sued over 'historical sex abuse
by pale.emperor in
according to my older brother, my mother now refuses to watch the news in case they mention this story.
funny, when the news exposed the catholic church she turned the volume up.. at least 20 former jehovah's witnesses are suing the group over historical sexual abuse they say they suffered.the group has a policy of not punishing alleged child sex abuse unless a second person, alongside the accuser, has witnessed it - or an abuser says its elders "comply with child-abuse reporting laws even if there is only one witness", though, and always tell police if a child is in danger.but one former elder said it had been failing to involve the authorities.john viney, who says he was abused between the ages of nine and 13, by "a distant family member who was an active jehovah's witness", added children were still being abused and the religious organisation was "inadvertently" protecting their abusers.
Dumb things JWs believed
by JimmyYoung ini am not talking about the usual crap from the cult writings, but rather things idiots believed on their own.
maybe even helped on by the cult but not directly taught.
i knew an old man now long gone kunde in michigan.
Don't discount the benefits of cutting an onion and putting it on your nightstand while you sleep. There is more to this folk medicine than you know.
Or it could be that the onion kept people (and their germs) a safe distance away?
What’s Your Opinion of Adam Schiff?
by minimus ini’ve heard some people praise him for his zeal against president trump.
others have not been so praiseworthy toward the california congressman.. today he was so concerned that trump might be so emboldened now that he has won acquittal, that he suggests that trump might make a deal with russia and sell them the state of alaska.
Shifty Schiff
Iowa Democratic Caucus - Just WOW
by Simon inthere was a babylon bee or onion spoof article a few weeks back claiming the democrats would lose their own caucus and ... well, they managed to do it for real.. apparently they can't count their own votes, their app and process is now steeped in corruption (created by a company called 'shadow' that has taken money from multiple candidates as well as the dnc and has links to clinton) and multiple candidates have declared themselves the winner.
biden has apparently done so badly that he's going to court to block the results being announced.
no estimate of when they will be released even.. how do they come up with this ... and what does it mean for the election results where they oversee the counts?.
"How to NOT make Iowa caucuses count."
Everybody wins!!
I think it's going to be a HUGE positive for Pete Buttigieg's campaign. I'm shocked the Bible Thumpers of Iowa can support the gay candidate. Things really are a-changing. But if Biden gets kicked to the curb, moderates will be scrambling for another "moderate" to support (can you believe calling the gay guy "moderate"?). Mayor Pete is good looking, eloquent speaking, and hasn't done much of anything to-date -- he's only 38) so there's nothing really bad to haunt him. Months ago there were hailing him as the "white Obama".
Special meeting next month (February 2020)
by Jofi_Wofo init was announced today that we will have a special weekend meeting next month.
it will be 3 hours long and will include some streamed content.. no explanation was given as to what the meeting will be about, only that it will be exciting and we will not want to miss it..
The best special talk ever was Morris blasting tight pants and bright colored socks, and not following the fashion trend of Homosexuals maybe 4 years ago. This special talk woke up a good number of JW,s, so maybe special talks are good for something.
Yes, it seems to be that somebody got the attention of the GB and told them to STFU! There was way too much controversial said openly in talks (recorded forever) and even printed in the WT. Lately it seems (to me) that everything is bland. They sound like a Facebook meme -- Praise God! Be thankful! Love your brother! Care for the Elderly!
Someone is counseling them to keep their damn foot outta their mouth!
The end is so close now....
by punkofnice inaren't they tiring out from saying this now?.
a jobo pimi-lite i know has a terminal illness (no names, no pack drill), was told, 'hold on, the end is so close.
the pimi-lite said they will need to hold on to their 'go bags(tm), then!.
Why are they called The Last Days™?
Because they last...........and they last............and they last...............and they last.............
Special meeting next month (February 2020)
by Jofi_Wofo init was announced today that we will have a special weekend meeting next month.
it will be 3 hours long and will include some streamed content.. no explanation was given as to what the meeting will be about, only that it will be exciting and we will not want to miss it..
your location please?
by Phizzy inthis from j.w survey :. knew they did this to a degree, but this is a blatant way of siphoning money to where the leaders want it, with no control, no transparency, and no way for anyone to be able to see where it has gone.
jehovah’s witness uk headquarters dissolves kingdom hall charities, seizes full control of property and finances.
This is the Borg taking absolute control of all assets. This makes me think that there is something coming down the pipeline that they expect will cause a huge fallout and they want defectors to have no choice but just walk away.
THE IRISH TIMES: Judge orders blood can be administered to Jehovah’s Witness girl
by AndersonsInfo in
a teenage girl who urgently requires surgery can, if necessary, be administered blood or blood products against the wishes of herself and her parents, all members of the jehovah’s witness faith, the president of the high court has ordered.. mr justice peter kelly said he was satisfied, notwithstanding the views of the girl and her parents, the orders are necessary for preserving the girl’s life and not to permit them would be “hazardous”.. the orders take immediate effect, he directed.. david leahy bl, for the hse, sought the orders in an ex parte application, one side only represented, on friday afternoon.. a solicitor for the hse told the court he had informed the girl and her parents of the court application and the parents had indicated they were not attending court to oppose it.. the solicitor said the parents were not objecting to surgery but, should a situation arise where the medical team wanted to administer blood or blood products, they could not agree to that and wanted the team to explore all other alternatives.. they had also said they wanted the best for their daughter and would not stand in the way of a court order.. mr justice kelly said court applications for leave to administer blood or blood products against the wishes of members of the jehovah’s witness faith, while not a regular occurrence, are not unusual.. he referred to a number of decisions permitting that to be done in “exceptional” circumstances.. on the medical evidence, including that antibiotic therapy had not reduced the infection and the serous risk of sepsis if surgery is not carried out, he was satisfied she needed the surgery.. read more:
We have family members whose minor child required major surgery. It was actually the JW Hospital Liaison rep that told the parents to just state that they could not approve a transfusion in good conscience as this would result in the hospital seeking the judge's order to transfuse if necessary. In this manner, they could maintain a clean conscience before God (and most of all the Cong Elders) and the doctors and judges would be the ones accountable to God.
Simple way out. No death for blood loss. No "stealing" child from hospital. No bad media publicity.
Only One Destiny for All Christians
by cofty inthe following is an extract from an article i wrote when i left the watchtower 25 years ago.
it may be helpful in reasoning with a jw about the anointed/great crowd distinction.. --------------------------------.
to divide people into those with a heavenly hope and those with an earthly one is not a biblical concept.