Hard to believe that this is the best that America has from which to choose.
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Michael Bloomberg—what’s your opinion of him?
by minimus inand do you think he has a chance to win it all?
My husband and I told our families we want to disassociate
by erinee inwell, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
No one is holding a gun to their heads to force them to shun you,
That is not a true statement!
The Borganization is indeed holding a gun to their heads and threatening them with "spiritual" death if they disobey GOD (Guardians of Doctrine).
Ex JW of 30 years , still messed up from it
by Doubledecker inhi , this is my first post .. i left jws 30 years ago as 18 year old unbaptised youth and after the initial fallout from leaving pretty much put the whole thing in a box and buried it .. however , i am now starting to realise how much the doomsday messages and the ‘them and us’ doctrines that’s fed to you from birth has remained in my core beliefs.. how have others managed to reprogram themselves ?.
thanks for reading , have a good day .
When we leave, we don't wipe the slate clean. The programming is still there.
Well stated.
We have been "out" for 5-6 years and PIMO for several years prior to that and our JW Programming still haunts me. Belief in the JW false prophesies totally f**ked up our lives. We had all of our "eggs" in the JW "basket". We really really believed all of that (what we now see as TOTAL BULLSHIT) JW doctrine. I've found it a challenge to come to the realization that I will get old(er) and I will indeed die. How in the hell did they ever convince millions of people that they would never die??? WTF? NO ONE has "beat death"! And then there's the lack of emphasis on investment for the future since the "time remaining" was so short.
Yep, our lives will be "messed up" until The End(™) -- OUR END, that is.
My husband and I told our families we want to disassociate
by erinee inwell, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
I only want normal, reasonable minded people in my life from now on.
Keep dreaming! NO ONE HAS THAT!
If it's not your wacky JW family, it will be some wacky workmates or neighbors, etc.
Good luck with whatever you do!
Just keep in mind that you can wait to DA and think about it further and change your mind.
You CANNOT take the position of DAing now and ever go back (with out months or years of eating shit).
My husband and I told our families we want to disassociate
by erinee inwell, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
Sorry you're experiencing this but I suspect it is what you expected.I also suspect there are many on this board who would be very grateful if their JW family members would continue to associate with them as "inactive" PIMO's (or even POMO -- though NOT DA'd).
That's kind where we are. We don't attend -- at all. Quit Field Circus long before quitting attending. Thus, our JW family openly associates with us even though we have explained our position to some of them. The others just see us as "stumbled". We don't do any thing brazen that could get us "in trouble" with the Eldubs. (Which means we've really had to keep the lesbian and swinging experiences on the Down Low. -- Just kidding!)
I think it's a compromise worth giving consideration. Then you can occasionally sow some seeds.
2019 JW Statistics
by Attewc inhere is the updated chart based on jw.org provided statistics found here: link to 2019 statistics.
anything that stands out to you ?.
I think they'll be bragging. Over 300,000 baptisms. That's a record number. Of course, I don't know how they will keep that up since they're now baptizing the 9 year olds to achieve these numbers. New Light: Infant Baptism?
Field service shit show
by solomon ini just got back from field service.
i haven’t been out in a few months so now we don’t keep any written records and we don’t know which houses are do not calls.
i also noticed i was the only one with a book bag.
We spent a lot of hours in Field Circus under the Golden Arches
People that are shunned and those that shun mimic slavery
by Yomama inso im reading this book 1619 about slavery then it dawned on me that shunning like slavery emotionally rips apart families.
if you look at romans 1:32 study note under natural afection they tell on themselves if you cannnot love your familey you cannot love others wow just wow try shareing that point with your pimi relatives..
Slavery in Christian-majority countries ended a long time ago. The British ended the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade at the beginning of the 1800s.
Interesting that the Nations of Christendom (false religion) had higher moral standards concerning the (im)morality of owning slaves than does the Bible.
Iowa Democratic Caucus - Just WOW
by Simon inthere was a babylon bee or onion spoof article a few weeks back claiming the democrats would lose their own caucus and ... well, they managed to do it for real.. apparently they can't count their own votes, their app and process is now steeped in corruption (created by a company called 'shadow' that has taken money from multiple candidates as well as the dnc and has links to clinton) and multiple candidates have declared themselves the winner.
biden has apparently done so badly that he's going to court to block the results being announced.
no estimate of when they will be released even.. how do they come up with this ... and what does it mean for the election results where they oversee the counts?.
Mayor Pete seems a decent man, the others look like too much compromised with the system. The Democratic party needs new guys, remember Obama?.
Sadly, I do remember Obama.
Do you remember that other "new guy" from the 70's?
Jimmy Carter -- Talk about compromising the system! We got our first home mortgage at that time. It was so low I wanted to be certain it was "assumable" in case I had to sell the house. That mortgage rate was 13.5%. (Some mortgages at that time were over 18%.)
BTW -- How are things going in South Bend, IN (where Pete was mayor)?
What’s Your Opinion of Adam Schiff?
by minimus ini’ve heard some people praise him for his zeal against president trump.
others have not been so praiseworthy toward the california congressman.. today he was so concerned that trump might be so emboldened now that he has won acquittal, that he suggests that trump might make a deal with russia and sell them the state of alaska.
The same loyalty that JWs feel to the GB is the same that the right feels to trump. I think that should get people to stop and think, why is this the case?
(Then add 2nd Amendment rights; abortion stance; Federal Court nominations;...)