Do you guys think . . . the GB will be “raptured to heaven”?
One could only hope!
do you guys think during this corona virus lockdown, the gb will be “raptured to heaven”, thereby escaping any lawsuit from irwin zalkin?
if so, how would they explain that the 20,000 or so other ‘anointed’ are still here?
Do you guys think . . . the GB will be “raptured to heaven”?
One could only hope!
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
Fauci is certainly an expert I agree, how can we all forget that face palm he gave Trump the other day. He's killing us basically if he wants to remove the bans and isolations going on by Easter.
I think they (even Donald) knows that is WAY optimistic. But you can't go out and tell people the worst case scenario. They'll start hoarding toilet paper again.
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
The Godfather (I & II)
Forest Gump
i started to post this to "gorbatchov" question.. the world will not be the same.
we all know this.. the voice of "christmas future".
the governments will infuse trillions of dollars into the corporations, not its people.
Other than staying at home (Cabin Fever!!) not much has changed.
We're not out of TP or bleach and thank Dog, we're not out of booze.
Running business things from home (as I usually do). Employees all deemed "essential" and everyone is working. Seems that there are A LOT of exemptions for "essential" services. All of our children apparently have "essential" jobs as they are all working too.
Just saying.............
That would be ironic!
But I really don't see this being over by Easter!
what will happen after the covid-19 crisis?.
- economy with all the stand still corporations, people without work and mass injections of support money?.
- politics with the end of globalisation, closed borders and new geopolitic friends (italy / china russia), lack of support and working together in eu and local politics, did the current politician the right thing?.
I see one big change coming to us, the world as it was will not return.
That's what they said about 9/11. And in fact there are some things not the same, such as air travel with TSA screwing things up, but in reality, things are pretty much business as usual. So it will be after COVID-19.
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
It's all about partisan politics!
Both parties would rather see the country crash and burn than let the opposition get credit for anything good.
as sgt pepper sang, "it was 20 years ago today" ... that i made my first post on my first forum.. i obviously didn't put too much thought into what it should say although i must have burned 45 posts testing things and was too lazy to reset the counter before going live (?):.
but somehow, it worked and grew and here we all are, 20 years on.
Simon: I think you've saved the lives of many people -- or at least "the rest of their lives"!
I'm sure there is a voodoo doll of you at Warwick full of pins & needles.
Simply cannot say THANKS! enough for all you do.
let's add to the following list.
jws are mistaken when they believe the bible teaches:.
1. that their leaders somehow represent the faithful and wise servant.
To be fair, many religions have the same or similar mistaken ideas.
Nearly all believe they are THE True Belief (even though they will be ecumenical when necessary for appearance).
Some have some ideas that are perhaps even stranger than the JDubs, Can you say "magic underwear"?
think of the possibilities, if this technology is all they have to stay in touch with their minions think of the wonderful possibilities..... 1. think of what just one molotov cocktail or flame thrower could do to their broadcasting room and the "world wide work.
2. or better yet if "v" (for vendetta) hacked into their broadcasting system...and told them the real truth.
3. just one rogue bethelite could have all kinds of fun..... i can dream can't i.....
The COVID-19 crisis has JDubs fired up right now. They see it as a sure sign that The End(™) is near. Very, very near. Even many with lingering doubts, those who keep one foot in the door, will step in a little farther right now JUST IN CASE this pandemic leads into Armageddon.
Once it passes, things will go back to "normal" and they'll see it was just another event on the world scene and apathy will again set in.