Where did you hear this? How can you take it if you are not the anointed?
After a good bottle of Merlot or Cabernet, I'll be feeling "special" enough to imagine I'm anointed.
BTW -- WTF said WE have to go by THEIR rules?
we are told to have the emblems this year.
no fortified wine or boones farm.
that suits me as i like real wine.
Where did you hear this? How can you take it if you are not the anointed?
After a good bottle of Merlot or Cabernet, I'll be feeling "special" enough to imagine I'm anointed.
BTW -- WTF said WE have to go by THEIR rules?
about the time i got married, gayle got married too.
gary her soon to be husband was the first brother to show her any attention, after we went out separate ways.
she knew she wasn't in love with him but at the time wasn't sure she even knew what love was anymore.
I enjoy your style of writing, Keith.
Read your book without stop in one day.
we are told to have the emblems this year.
no fortified wine or boones farm.
that suits me as i like real wine.
Just picked up a case of Merlot and several boxes of Triscuits (unleavened, right?). Ours will likely be a pretty cheesy celebration because I cannot fathom eating Triscuits plain.
hey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.
Sorry to hear you've got it! I will anxiously await updates.
Two of our kids (adults) are in healthcare and one has volunteered to work the COVID19 cases so that fellow workers who have small children need not put them at risk. I'm sure you followed all the protocol on safety and yet, here you are infected. Thus I worry about our kids who deal with sick people on a daily basis.
if all you want to do it deliver a constant whine of "orange man bad" then find someplace else to do.
frankly, i can't be bothered with the bullshit anymore.. honestly, your politics and the whole virtue signalling woke brigade has actually started causing real deaths and was ruining life for many before that.. if you can't control your disease, then i'll do it for you.. it's not open for debate..
Let’s face it — there hasn’t been much “JW News” to discuss. I’ve said it before, someone has convinced the GB & their cronies to “tone it down” with all their toxic rhetoric about apostates and even STFU on controversial doctrine.
Remember when there was one hate-speech event after another? Tight pants. Bright socks. People split open like burnt hot dogs. Mentally diseased. Don’t make excuses to email DF family or even answer cell phone calls.
Now— it’s been DULLSVILLE in JW Land. They’ve ran to their Warwick hideaway with their tail between their legs. No more Rutherford-style bold denunciations. No more Freddie Frank style pontificating on Dim New Light.
All you hear is crickets 🦗
if all you want to do it deliver a constant whine of "orange man bad" then find someplace else to do.
frankly, i can't be bothered with the bullshit anymore.. honestly, your politics and the whole virtue signalling woke brigade has actually started causing real deaths and was ruining life for many before that.. if you can't control your disease, then i'll do it for you.. it's not open for debate..
We’re going to lose a lot of spirited discussions if you limit them to just the side that you agree with.
Just saying......
as i have stated in other posts i voted for trump because he said he would crack down on illegals while the left was trying to open the flood gates and let them in to destroy the nation.
was he the one i wanted in 16, no i was hoping for cruz.
he is arrogant but smart and somewhat polished and had many views like i do.
It usually helps to get things "off your chest". Hope you feel better now.
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
It's pretty obvious, cramming 8 or 10 spring breakers into a hotel room designed for a maximum or 4 is not conducive to the "6 foot rule."
As far as that "6-foot rule" -- how can those "hormone driven teens" live with that rule when they're only working with 6 INCHES?
former united kingdom prime minister gordon brown calls for "creating a form of global government....to tackle the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus".. isn't that crazy?
that's a dangerous idea.
what do you guys think?.
Play nice boys!