OH, when that new truth fails to come to fruition ,then it becomes an old truth. ' ~ Smiddy
Or, the expression I've heard is, "It was the Truth for that time."
i'm reading babylon the great has fallen, god's kingdom rules, published 1963. this was studied years ago when i was about 10-12 years old.
i wanted to just read some of the beliefs from decades ago.
my wife wants to know why i'm reading this book.
OH, when that new truth fails to come to fruition ,then it becomes an old truth. ' ~ Smiddy
Or, the expression I've heard is, "It was the Truth for that time."
i made a big mistake when signing up at this supposed website for jehovah's witnesses.
after reading some things on this site it has become apparent to me that this site is nothing put another pathetic site for apostates: people who betrayed jehovah, left the truth, and are so bitter about their experiene in the truth, and they are angry just like satan because they know they will very soon be dead at jehovah's hand!.
this website should be renamed something more fitting like "satan's playground" or a similar name that would get across the message of your site.. sincerely,.
The greatest risk here is that you can NEVER forget what you have seen and heard about the Cult. (Yes, it is a Cult.)
Good luck,
We'll be waiting for your return!
i'm a born and raised witness.
i was an elder for almost 20 years.
almost the same in fulltime service.
The toughest part will be replacing your friends. Even if you "fade", you will be persona non grata at social events, etc. You'll find that even those you thought to be your "closest" friends, will at least greatly restrict contact with you. And, as mentioned DO NOT TRUST ANY JW with your doubts or negative feelings. That's scriptural. They will turn you over to the "courts" (judicial committees) thinking they are snatching you out of the fire. Most of them are good and sincere people and wanting to "help" you. Thus it's important to try to build a network of friends at work or with neighbors. (Esp hard if you work with all JW's.)
The next toughest thing will be resigning from serving as an Elder. The CO will get involved and you'll be offered a sabbatical for 6 months, etc. "Why Dear Brother, why would you want to resign that great privilege?" Esp since you can't blame it on wife or kids. So, you better "zero in" on your reason. Job? Stress? Depression? Sick parents? We were "stumbled" by a prominent brother and the BOE, CO, and Service Dept bought his BS story. So, we are "waiting on Joe Hoover" to "fix" the problem. (We just are not waiting IN the Kingdom Hall.)
Resign, but stay steady for a few months so as to stay under the radar. Then gradually drop off Field Circus and meetings. Moving is a great strategy. As you know, elders are busy and most will not work that hard at motivating you. They're having a hard time motivating themselves.
You'll find everyone here willing to listen and to help. Although, many here are perhaps more "disenchanted" with the Organization than what you sound like being. You're likely to learn a lot more (negative) things about the Organization as you hang around here. LOTS of stuff out there that I had no idea of taking place. They do their best to "control" any negative information and they do a good job of it. Expect some "deer in the headlight" moments. You're welcome to PM me if you like. Esp if you want to discuss something that might identify you.
Good luck
they know many people are fearful and feeling vulnerable due to world events.. but something i’ve always considered is how will they be better off by becoming a jw.
they can be a jw, but the world events still are happening causing everyone anxiety.
and no, jws are not immune from this, jws are more anxious and paranoid as ever right now.
What evidence is there that the ordinary JW “wants to preach so badly”? ~ Blues Brother
Agreed! Most JW's are happy to be sitting home in their underwear on Sat & Sun mornings. Even those who are doing any kind of phone witnessing are mostly loafing while watching/listening to poorly planned phone conversations. It's a joke!
growing up in the 70's and 80's in the jw religion who remembers the massive stadium gigs the watchtower used to hold?.
we used to denounce false religion in the starkest of terms.
we were right and by god we were letting anyone who listened know it.
We thought it was Holy Spirit working on us. ~ BoureIdentity
Yes, I remember good and bad when leaving conventions. Good motivation to want to do more (good works). Bad in the guilt department. (Esp when I was exploring my raging hormones.)
I too think all that is gone. There is no real excitement at conventions any longer. The big excitement is to make homemade craft items for the international delegates. The talks are just "pablum" -- milk toast -- nothing of the caliber that Fred Franz could whip up.
Then it's out for burgers and beers! That's the most exciting thing about conventions now!
i started dating a coworker who is a divorced jw.
found out he was disfellowshipped, and he was trying to figure out how to make things work.
i am not a jw, and his family is not supportive of the relationship.
First you need to know if they guy still believes the JW stuff. If he does, get the hell outta there!
Some people are DFd because they find out it is really NOT "The Truth".
Other people are DFd because they simply cannot live by the JW Rules. (ie, no pre-marital sex). If he is this latter case, then he will marry you and go right back to the JW Cult (now being to have sex with a wife and live by "their rules"). He will likely expect you to convert. (After all, JW's have The Truth!) He will expect (and be expected) to raise any children as JW's. Your children will be denied higher education and will be expected to sell WT literature door-to-door. He will refuse to approve of you or your children having a blood transfusion in a life threatening situation.
I don't think you know what you are getting into here yet. You need to have a sit-down and serious discussion.
YOU need to learn more about JW's before that sit down so you can ask pertinent questions. JW's are NOT just another protestant religion that happens to be a little "strange". JW's are a Cult. They are about "control". If he is married to a non-JW, he will always be a 2nd Class JW.
Good luck!
But you never heard that from the Media
Now I'm just going to mosey back to my powerless position, but call me if you need any further fact checking! (Hate to break it to ya, but I think we are all powerless -- except maybe in our own little sphere.)
i made a big mistake when signing up at this supposed website for jehovah's witnesses.
after reading some things on this site it has become apparent to me that this site is nothing put another pathetic site for apostates: people who betrayed jehovah, left the truth, and are so bitter about their experiene in the truth, and they are angry just like satan because they know they will very soon be dead at jehovah's hand!.
this website should be renamed something more fitting like "satan's playground" or a similar name that would get across the message of your site.. sincerely,.
I'd estimate that this site (and others like it) have resulted in the reduction of active JW's by at least 50%. At least 50% of the JW's I have known through the years have "dropped out" of the Cult. Some going quietly. Some going out with a "bang".
WTS can not longer control the negative information. The internet is their nemesis.
The Truth (about The Truth) will set you free!
the latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
Agree that this is a slip up on the part of the New Boy in the Writing Dept.
This GB only bring out the New Light when they are "forced" to make a change because the "Old Light" has burnt out, ie, the OverLapping Generations -- the old "this generation will not pass away" had burnt out. That generation was dead. They HAD passed away.
Wednesday afternoon GB Meeting: "Oh shit, Sherlock! We better conjure up some new razzle dazzle spin on this!"
TA DA! OVERLAPPING GENERATIONS! It was so obvious! How did we miss it before?
Let us praise the infinite wisdom of the GODs (Guardians Of Doctrine)!
When your "facts" are wrong, you're spreading BS.
When you state it wrong, then someone else picks it up and repeats it wrong (perhaps because they respect your opinions), and there it goes................FAKE NEWS?? KILLED vs shot in the foot or hand (that's the FACTS) is not a small oversight. It's about as wrong as you can get (other than the bullet missed).
Recall: "I can see Russia from my house."