sir82, if you are correct, then the JW's might well be right -- "The End is near!" I was never a "Trumper", although I was an ABC (Anybody But Clinton) voter. But I cannot see why anyone would dare want to risk going back to the Obama/Biden economy. And I seriously doubt that things would be that good with the things that Biden (or his puppet masters) are now proposing.
And when "American sneezes, the World catches a cold." Thus, it would be a shit storm for the World economy, too.
sir82, how can you really support a candidate who literally has trouble putting two or three sentences together to convey anything meaningful? He can't even keep his place using a teleprompter. Additionally, not only is the man dealing with failing cognitive ability, but clearly, the "Huntergate" scandal proves the man is corrupt. He's been creepy with women (even little girls). I'm assuming it must be "a lesser of two evils" decision, and you see Trump as "really" evil. Inquiring minds want to know --
I worry for the future that my grandchildren will inherit from us.