Can you show references from JW literature where parents are encouraged to throw disfellowhipped minors/teenagers out of their house?
One does not need "references from JW literature". I can show you all the evidence in real life situations. I could easily name 6 families from my Cong and surrounding congs where parents are totally shunning their DF children. The smart kids are SHUNNING THEIR JW PARENTS. That is, they absolutely refuse to let their parents visit with their grandchildren. One JW sister (who we dearly love) does not understand why her daughter does this. It's because they see their family as a "package deal". If you shun me -- I and all of my family (incl your grandkids) will SHUN YOU.
One of the above couples (the parents) that I have in mind-- both are born-in; he's an elder; and they were PISSED OFF when they saw the Canadian WT attorney's testimony as he BRAZENLY LIED under oath in Court. And that is when they decided to no longer take the "hard shun" against their DF kids (and their families). He's still an elder. Now, he & his wife just LIE about whether they associate with their DF kids. That's right -- theocratic warfare can work both ways!!
Dreary -- you're trying to defend what cannot be defended. Open your eyes. Quit drinking the KoolAid.