Mene mene tekle and parsnips.! ~~ PUNK
Thanks for the Smile of the Day, Punk!
yesterday, i posted a question for a friend in texas as to whom he should contact to report sexual abuse from the 1960s by a jw pioneer/elder who is now deceased.
(incidentally, there are plenty of people who are still alive and in the organization who were very aware of the circumstances and who can be summoned to give testimony regarding these accusations.
) so, my friend called the zalkin law firm.
Mene mene tekle and parsnips.! ~~ PUNK
Thanks for the Smile of the Day, Punk!
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
Sorry Mates............I mean ALEX has left the building.
(Alex! You can leave but you can never forget!)
MMM, remember..................Hassan may have become like the WTS....................and moved on to just the selling of books. The bashing of Trump or the loving of Trump both sell books.
That's what pays for his rent.
what if we could exchange one president from another country to yours?...
say trump for trudeau, trudeau for trump, trump in exchange for your respective european country, etc -- for a few years?
would you consider it a win or a loss for your country?.
I really think you're going to find out in 2020 that Americans aren't looking for a change.
why the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
I think the GB (at least the majority of them) are delusional believers, just I was a delusional believer when I was a diehard Elder. Just as you were before you came to know TTATT.
Yes, they must know they have problems brewing. Serious problems. Such as with the "overlapping" bandage of a fix on the Generation doctrine. (How effing ridiculous is that?!?!?!?)
I think they are sincerely praying that Joe Hoover will swoop in and bail their ass out before they have to come up with another "fix" for the problems they are facing -- doctrinal problems; law suit problems, etc
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
Alex, it'd be best if you'd just STFU and people might wonder if you're just stupid vs blabbering on and on and removing any further doubt.
i’m just curious if you think your past life either adversely or positively affected your relationships?.
Most definitely.
JW's avoid making friends with "normal" (wicked, worldly) people at shcool or work, thus there simply are no relationships with them.
JW's even avoid non-JW (wicked, worldly) family members, thus there are usually only "damaged" relationships with extended family. (JW's won't go to their weddings or funerals in a church of if officiated by a (wicked) clergyman of Christendom, but they are expected to go to the Kingdumb Hall for JW events.)
JW's don't even learn how to really make friends, because all of the other JW's are their "automatic" (conditional) friends just because they are both JW's. Thus, once leaving the Troof, former JW's have poor skills at making friends with "normal" (wicked, worldly) people because it is NOT to make REAL FRIENDS as it was to make (fake) JW Friends.
I don't think it's Trump.
It's politics. Watch the political ads as the primaries get closer. The shpiels (from both sides of the aisle) are all manipulative half-truths. They put the "spin" on everything to their own advantage.
Trump just is a master at it!
Clinton was damn good too! The greatest political chameleon ever.
why the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
Why the shunning if someone leaves? Why are they working so hard to keep everyone in? Is it the money?
I do not believe it is the money. In our situation, we had quit giving money before we quit giving our time (meetings, etc). If anything, doubters are a financial drain on the Borg.
I believe the shunning policy has to do with "Information Control". (Let's review: It's a Cult!) The Powers That Be (GB, etc) know that if Doubters and Skeptics share their doubts and skepticism about the ridiculous doctrines (New Light, Old Light, Flashing Blinking Lights) with other JDubs, the doubting and skepticism will be "contagious" and result in many others who go about "whispering" their doubts to others, etc, etc before they finally walk out the door.
Starting out, some may be sincerely seeking the answers to their doubts, but as they dig deeper and discover that there are NO satisfying answers they come to realize that they have been scammed. The way to shut them up is to threaten them with shunning and the loss of all their "friends" and JW family.
it is truly heartwarming to see so many new ones sign up to this site as most of us know it can be quite stressful at first ,because of the indoctrination we have all gone through in going on apostate sites .. the guilt ,paranoia ,fear , apprehension ,even being a judas fear, all unnatural fears put on us by a mind controlling cult.. that wants us to be captives of there religious interpretations about the bible.. however this and other sites like it are the only way we can find out about {the truth about the truth} ttatt.. welcome everybody..
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!