Anyone who has the 23 minutes to view this, kindly give a 1-minute summation.
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
by Hairtrigger in
if this has been posted before i apologize.
this about sums up what the grovelling body is looking to do!
Money! How much did you "Contribute" To The WTB@TS When You Were A Member
by The Bethelite ini was in full time service for six years including bethel.
once i got out of bethel, i figured i had already given them six of the best years of my life (ages 18-24) working as a slave/drone in their factory, so i rationalized that i had given them enough... so over the next 27 years i would say maybe $200 bucks is it.
i think their whole "voluntary contributions" idea is biting them in the ass, because over all jehovah's witnesses are a cheap group people with a few exceptions.
WOW! I'm a bit surprised at the replies.
We made regular contributions even before we really had the financial means to do so. Once we achieved some financial independence, we contributed generously. I thought it was the "right thing to do". I was convinced WTS used the donations frugally and to promote good things. I was a "believer". That gradually changed.
I first stopped all "green handshakes" when it was evident that the CO was living a better lifestyle than we were.
I next stopped all donations at Circus Assms when I saw how they wasted donated funds (after being appointed an elder and sitting in on the "business meetings"). They couldn't give a flying f**k about how they spent the donations of the "widows". Send all excess donations to NY so we look good!
I then stopped donations to the WorldWideWork and limited it to Kingdom Hall Building Fund and when our local Cong needed extra funds.
When it became evident (as I am clearly a "slow learner") that it was all a money scam and they could NEVER GET ENOUGH, I cut 'em off completely and concentrated on helping individuals that were less fortunate and in a financial bind (not because of their own stupid asset management). Tires and battery for an elderly widow's car. Airline ticket for an widowed, pioneer sister who had decided she needed to renew the relationship with her DFd son, who she had shunned because he was gay. A car for a single mom of 3 kids whose hubby abandoned her.
I saw such "causes" as things that deserved financial assistance much more than the greedy WTS and I felt like I could really make a difference in these people's lives.
rubber- encasement in any worthwhile endeavour takes away the pure pleasure~ Waton
Are you sure this is about the environment?
Maybe my mind just naturally wonders to the gutter? Did anyone else go there with me?
Who Was/Is The Most Beautiful First Lady In USA?
by minimus injackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
Blonde— for what it is worth, I did not recognize that picture to be Beyoncé either. Just a hot looking AA gal.
I know the name. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard her music and further, don’t know that I give a shit if I do or not. I’m sure she has a great base of fans buying her music and making her rich — just from a different age group & demographic.
I never bought a M Jackson album or attended a concert either. I do think he was a great entertainer. Just weird in too many other ways.
Who Was/Is The Most Beautiful First Lady In USA?
by minimus injackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
Ya gotta admit that Melania is great looking.
Might seem like she's just a Trophy Wife, but she's not a Bimbo. She speaks SIX LANGUAGES.
New HuB logo
by MrHappy inso the organisation has developed a new software for the coordination of nearly everything!
i just want point out a few things i notice about the new hub icon logo.
the image contains twelve pillars with the 2 at the front being the prominent.
What's with all the Masonic-conspiracy-theory nutters posting recently?
Probably missed their Depakote.
Evolution or Creation Poll
by Vanderhoven7 inevolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
The difference is "facts" vs "faith".
14 kids from the same old congregation
by StephaneLaliberte inthis week, while talking with some old friends, i realized that there were at least 14 kids from a congregation in which i grew up that all left the jws.
that is, 30 to 35 years ago, there were at least 14 kids going to the hall that were of the same “generation” (5 to 13 years old).
in the last 30 years, they have all left “the truth”.
Stephanie, I'm curious if there are any of the kids that you think might have been better off in life if they'd had stayed with The Troof?
I know a few who left but ended up living really debauched lives that resulted in bad circumstances, including at least one in prison, one OD on drugs, etc. Awakening to TTATT doesn't mean that your life automatically improves. It depends on what you do with the years you have left.
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
Don't count on witnessing Watchtower's demise anytime soon.
by Roger Kirkpatrick inthe fact that there are pomi ex-jws who have been disfellowshiped or inactive for years who still live in constant fear of armageddon indicates that watchtower will manage to exist in one way or another for years, if not decades, to come.
watchtower, like all other religious cults, operate on the premise that "you can fool some of the people all of the time...and that's enough!
I think you're pulling that figure of "4 million" out of your arse. No back up. No documentation. Just speculation. It's much more reasonable to accept their stated membership of 8 million. They do appeal to the downtrodden and they are making babies just as fast as everyone else these days.
More important in my mind is how many of the 8 million are "fictitious"? By that I mean, HOW MANY ARE NOT REALLY PUBLISHERS!
When the CO comes through, the Secretary calls Joe Irregular and gets Joe's field service time "up to date". Joe says he probably had 4-6 hours every month but just forgot to report it. SIX reports go in as six different publishers in that Cong record and not Joe is a regular publisher, in good standing. Bullshit. Joe maybe shows up one Saturday per month, says he has "his own group", and they go to McDonalds for a couple hours and have breakfast after making one "Not At Home" call and making one more as they leave McDonalds.
It includes all the PIMO's who turn in a token Field Circus report. It includes all the kids that just "ride along" all day, as well as all the adults who just ride around all day.
So in reality, there might only be 4 million WITNESSES who are really attempting to accomplish anything. Or less.
Would You Stop Buying A Product Because of Political Differences?
by minimus inwould you stop buying nike products because you didn’t like their politics?
conversely, would you give business to a company because you liked their political stand on a matter?
would you stop watching an entertainer because you disagree with their political perspectives?
I don't buy Nike products because I don't like their politics. New Balance or Reebok or WhoEverBrand is just as good and just as accessible. So since there is an easy alternative, I'll go with the alternate.
I do try to separate the "talent" from the "personal things". Robert DeNiro has done some great acting (and some not so great too). I don't like his political views, but I'll not refuse to watch a good movie in which he is featured because I'm watching the fictional character that he is playing.
On the subject of actors, I don't know why they think their freaking opinion is any more important or better than my opinion. Unless they have some education or related experience that qualifies them as an "expert", why would anyone give a shit what they think about [ pick your subject ].