What would it take for you to leave the Truth?”. My reply was “ if I turn 60 in this “System of Things”. We both laughed!I turned 60. We are not laughing now. We stopped going to the meetings
cold turkey, as I can not get over the fact we were misled and wasted
some 40 years of our vital energies on a unfulfilled dream! ~ James Jack
Been there. Done that.
I too am angry over the years wasted chasing a fantasy -- a Panda Petting Paradise - that will never be a reality. It is absolutely amazing to me that anyone among the JW's is still doing it!!!! The only thing "everlasting" about the JW's promised Paradise is that it is "everlastingly" always "right around the corner".

The time we once had to live our dreams and build our lives is gone -- wasted away supporting the false prophets of the WT. Fortunately, all of our children woke up to the scam even before we did. All are successful young adults, college educated, gainfully employed, and will never be slaving for WTS. As far as our grandchildren, I worry only about the crazy political climate that I see growing in this country. I think their future is uncertain because of it.