Life is tough. That is a fact. If you want it easy - do the work. No shortcuts.
Why does only approximately half of America get that?
Because they've been told that it's not their fault! It's not their fault that they are disadvantaged. It's not their fault that they didn't pass high school. It's not their fault that they did not go to college or trade school to get a good job.
Plus they have gotten into the habit that they will be given everything if they complain loud enough.
And perhaps some of it really IS NOT their fault. Maybe their parents were shitty parents. Maybe they were raised by a single parent. Maybe they were raised by Grandma because neither parent was responsible. But for everyone one of them with those circumstances that is failing, there is another who rose up and is succeeding.
THERE AIN'T NO FREE LUNCH! As soon as a person learns that the sooner they are on their way to success and prosperity.