On one hand I'd kinda like to see/hear the Annual Meeting to personally know what was said.
On the other hand, I really don't want to spend 2 or 3 hours on this bullshit.
would someone in the know please clarify for me some alleged comments given from the governing body at the recent/yet to be streamed for the rank and file annual meeting?.
it is my understanding that samuel herd basically tells the rank and file that old light is new light and the new light of july, 2013 is now old light.
to be specific, herd states that the official stance on whether or not the annointed remaining on earth, to include the governing body, will all be in heaven prior to armageddon.. at this same annual meeting tony morris iii tells those in attendance that stephen letts' statement that "we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days!
On one hand I'd kinda like to see/hear the Annual Meeting to personally know what was said.
On the other hand, I really don't want to spend 2 or 3 hours on this bullshit.
there is a trial currently starting - even funnier than the baldwin nonsense.. yes, everyone's favorite actor, singer and hate crime victim is going on trial.. i am, of course, talking about jussie smollett.
he's going on trial for lying to chicago police and wasting their time.. he's obviously as guilty as hell, but i just can't wait for this to unfold.. it's gonna be hilarious ....
I think he'll be found guilty but it will be sentenced to probation. A slap on the hand. So yeah, in other words, he will "get off". If it is a jury trial in Chicago, you be sure it would be 12 black jurors who would find him innocent.
the wt study for this week is all about disfellowshipping.
in an early paragraph it said "think how heartbroken jehovah must have been when members of his own angelic family turned their back on him!".
however when you think about it, when this happened according to the wt teaching, jehovah still engaged with satan in the heavens (book of job) and had conversations with him about what was going on in the earth.. so why do the wt org practice shunning when jehovah god obviously didn't?.
My husband and I just woke up three days ago because I was on the brink of suicide… I thought it was ironic that this was the study for the week that I told him we’ve dedicated 16 years to a cult.
Any advice on how to break the news to our family members? I have an aunt and grandparents and husband has mom and sisters. ~ CJAsher
CJ -- do not do anything hastily! STFU! Don't talk about it to anyone while you are still upset. Don't let emotion overrun reason.
If you want to maintain some kind of limited relationship with those family members you must avoid doing anything that will get you DF/DA. For at least the time being, your best option is to "ease out". Just become "inactive". WE CALL IT FADING. (You can always leave later, but you can never get back in -- at least not without eating shit.)
You do not mention what is it that woke you up, but if you can spin it in such a way to say that you are "stumbled" then there is your excuse for quitting meetings and Field Circus.
Remember DO NOT DISCUSS IT WITH ANYONE! Your best friend will turn you in while thinking they are helping to "snatch you out of the fire" and save your (future everlasting) life! If directly asked why you're not attending of inactive, just say you need some time away. Blame it on stress or depression or being stumbled or whatever best fits your situation.
Good luck!
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
so the liberals and their useful idiots, want to ban guns but then do the dumbest crap like letting rioters go and just glad handing criminals.
now crime is being helped along by the left and people are afraid the police can not protect them and the public's desire for gun control is at an all time low.
they the liberals are dumb as dog shit.
Do people in the US of A just shoot rioters?~ ScottS
Unfortunately, we do not. If the term coined years ago (by a police chief of a liberal Democrat run city) was followed, it would stop the rioting and looting.
"When the looting starts, the shooting starts!" ~ Miami police Chief Walter Headley, 1967
has anyone heard from totalladd lately?
he used to post quite often, and i enjoyed his posts.
i hope he and his wife are ok. they lived in northwest pennsylvania near jamestown from what i remember..
I’d also like to hear an update from him!
Seems like there have been quite a few that have hopefully graduated to EX-Ex-JW status and don’t feel the need to seek out support here any longer.
there is a trial currently starting - even funnier than the baldwin nonsense.. yes, everyone's favorite actor, singer and hate crime victim is going on trial.. i am, of course, talking about jussie smollett.
he's going on trial for lying to chicago police and wasting their time.. he's obviously as guilty as hell, but i just can't wait for this to unfold.. it's gonna be hilarious ....
You must be RACIST!
study article 50. listen to the voice of the fine shepherd.
9 consider an experience that illustrates how jehovah can care for our material needs.
a couple in full-time service drove over an hour in their old car to pick up some sisters living at a refugee center and take them to a christian meeting.
I love those kind of stories! They are SO presumptuous.
Jehovah gives them food and a new vehicle. Damn! Ain't that great!
But he did not hear the prayers of the young JW woman that was raped and murdered by another JW guy in her Cong and her body thrown along the rural road. However the family/Cong spokesman said that the body was in such a remote location and winter was nearing that for the search parties to have found her body was clearly divine direction from Joe Hoover.
Too damn bad he didn't show up on the scene soon enough to save her life. Must have been too busy busying groceries.
you order something online, and get the notification it's been shipped.. "ooh look, it's only coming from 500 miles away and there's a major route from there to here.
i bet it'll be put on a truck or maybe a train and here in a day or two.
this magazine says it all!.
and many of the older jws believed at one point in their life that they would make it through the great tribulation and into the 1000 year reign of christ without dying.
which is why so many jws stayed in so long.. is the main reason why jws ignore all the child abuse, the end of door to door service, and the closing of kingdom hall for almost two years----because they still believe they will not die?.
It was at one time in the past a "nice" thought. Now however after seeing my grand-parents die, my parents die, and some of my nephews/nieces die, and realizing that there is one thing the Bible got 100% correct. (Ecclesiastes 3:19) . . for there is an outcome for humans and an outcome for animals; they all have the same outcome. As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit. . ." ~ FedUp
Same thought here. My grandparents were of "the generation that will not pass away", but of course, they are ALL DEAD. My mother and her siblings were all actually born to late to qualify. They were not even born by 1914. They are ALL DEAD except my mother who is now conceding that she will make the New World via the Underground (Resurrection).
We've had enough discussion about the reasons that my family and I left (officially inactive) that I think she has lots of doubts about everything in the Cult now. But at her age, there is no where else for her to go. She's that faithful elderly sister that everyone dotes over. The kids call her "grandma".
As far as most R&F JW's? Yes. They still really believe the bullshit!
is bible prophecy now starting to come true regarding a prelude to the great tribulation?.
full disclosure: i still don't believe in the bible's claims about the existence of the supernatural, even of jehovah god (i'm an atheist and a scientific/philosophical naturalist), but i am asking this question because recent events are starting to seem (to me) to fit well the description of some prophecies in the bible.
consider the following.. several hours ago (on 11-26-2021) as i was about to enter a local fred meyer store of my city (in suburb or small city in the metro area of a large city) a person i know told me that a moment earlier a person left the store in a hurry with a cart load up with unpaid merchandise (i think i was told it was groceries but i don't remember that for sure).
No surprise there. Dr.
Josef MengeleI mean Faux-Xi, has had two years since the start of the planned "pandemic" to engineer new strains that will be more successful in the coming global depopulation agenda. Just wait until one that is 50% more fatal than the ones they have already engineered shows up.