My unbaptized teenage kids (because I would NOT allow that to happen) were becoming an issue so it made it easy to say I needed to spend more time with my family.
Best decision I ever made.
an elder with half a brain (and they must exist 🧐) is going to see the writing on the wall with the way the wt is manoeuvring them into taking the fall over csa cases.
can an elder in good standing step down with no consequences, official or social?.
My unbaptized teenage kids (because I would NOT allow that to happen) were becoming an issue so it made it easy to say I needed to spend more time with my family.
Best decision I ever made.
i'm up against surgery for family again.
the nicest elder presently says he will (must) come to support the blood issue.
the decision was already discussed with the doctor by the family member.
Personally I don't want to have to be polite and visit/ entertain others in these times either.
Whoever informed the "nice" elder should have STFU (assuming it was not the patient or at least it was the patient's choice to inform the elder.
Take a good book and ignore them all.
I'd recommend Crisis of Conscience, but that might not be the best choice under the circumstances.
i haven't posted on here for years.
i also don't frequent this forum like i used to.. i have posted my story before, like 8 years ago.
i have been a baptized witness for the last 30+ years, but have not attended meetings in the last 15 years.
I have since recovered from surgery. The subject has not been talked about, but should I bring it up? Or should I leave this alone?
And if they (or ANYONE) has the audacity to inquire about it -- DENY DENY DENY. (That's "Theocratic Warfare"! -- Not lying.)
so, folks, 60 years ago, starting on september 1st, i believe, we, local witnesses in southern california, had the "privilege" of attending the "around the world assembly", at, of all places, the rose bowl, in pasadena.
(i think that it was an 8-day assembly) i was 9 years old then, almost ready to start 4th grade.
so, was anyone else, on this site, at that assembly?
I think we went to Milwaukee WI or nearby. We camped (in a tent, not a luxury camper) at a State Park that only allowed 3-day permits, so for each family there, they issued 3 permits -- each to a different member of the family. Lots of Canadians there, as I recall. One carload of middle age sisters from Canada that bought or borrowed a tent, but neglected to bring the stakes/pins or center pole. Neighboring JW campers each gave them spare tent stakes and someone cut tree limbs to prop up the tent on the interior. That's the kind of experience that reinforced the concept of the united brotherhood. Everyone stepped in to assist. I'm certain they are all dead and to receive their "paradise" via "the underground".
lengths of life of the patriarchs.
length of life.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
I wonder if any of them every actually see these services for what they are, ~ JeffT
My mom, a loyal JW for 6 decades has advised us that she does NOT want a JW Commercial as her eulogy.
jehovah's witnesses are not encouraging university education... but those who are lawyers already can apply to volunteer to help at bethel..
Somehow, I don't expect the ranks of the JW's have tons of attorneys. Why not just use Elders who are schooled and trained to head Judicial Committees? Just consider all of the scholarly education they have received!
lengths of life of the patriarchs.
length of life.
Why wouldn't they be real years?
Maybe because there is nothing to substantiate lifetimes of 100's of years? (You do recall that if there are not TWO WITNESSES, it didn't happen.)
this is a topic discussed in a current article in the hongkong based asia times*.
find it at:
the claim is made in the article, that near 30% of americans are non-believers, and that this number is increasing.
We live in the buckle of the Bible Belt. Among our "new friends" (since we've been working hard to replace our former "conditional friends") I am surprised that the majority of them not just profess to be Christian, but go to church regularly. These are people 50's and older. I think the younger crowd we know from the same venues are not regular church goers and may in fact be agnostic or atheist. The older generation (non-overlapping) of these friends are all married and at least a couple of them are still in their first marriage. Of the younger crowd, at least 50% just live together. Of course, a larger % of the latter crowd went to college and were likely more exposed to more liberal thinking/ideas and perhaps are more critial thinkers.
dr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
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