Sometimes humans just dont look past their own noses. I remember when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans I was talking to an older sister & I said that Jehovah made sure all his people were at an assembly, she said to me "Don't ever say that, what about the ones in divided households who lost their children/parents/brothers/sisters etc, boy I felt ashamed. I was young & stupid just like this person. This is how the WTS teaches people to think. I was glad that sister corrected my thinking cause when the Boxing day tsunami happened I heard so many saying at least JDubs were o.k. Jehovah looked after them the ones on the ministry on higher ground survived I was able to say the same thing "Don't ever say that". This bloody Borg makes people callous & judgemental, selfish & heartless that's why the honest hearted ones are getting out. I think that that story shows the real sad condition that is the thinking of Jehovahs Witnesses.