Posts by Sabin
happy holidays:)
by SloppyMcFloppy injust wanted to say happy thanksgiving to all!!!!
i love celebrating holidays now... even though all my family wont be there:( hoping one day they will see the "light.
" maybe the " light will get brighter" and the jw will have a new understanding that everthing has pagan origins and its all about family on holidays.
O.K Happy thanks giving, is that like new year or something? Do you celebrate the Queens birthday in the U.S? We didn't in U.K but we do in OZ. How weird is that. -
Elder harassed my mom and asked for donation
by kaik inmy mom had surgery last month and she developed complication and had to be on antibiotics to treat infection.
so, she is recovering slowly, but things was tough on her and she was not attending kh or went to assembly two weeks ago.
nonetheless, elder showed up at her place and instead providing her with comfort he started to harass her that her faith is weak, she does not put trust in jah, etc.
Yes I agree with steve2, these men are arseholes, it's not imperfection they do deliberately. & you know what else, I think that a lot of them pocket the money themselves. Infact I know they bloody do, & whats more they will DF the person who finds out & speaks up. &&&&&& ones at bethel have been known to pocket what they don't deserve, writing down that they were doing SP hours to get the allowance when they weren't. I tell you the cock suckers are a bunch of liars. -
Reasons for doubting.
by New day insomebody mentioned in a recent topic that they had a conversation with a former elder whose breaking point was when the overlapping generation was highlighted in recent times and how he would never serve again until somebody gave him a scriptural reason to believe it.
i am in a similar position.
i have gone in the last 18 months from taking the wt study, leading fs groups, and doing talks on the mtngs to doing almost nothing, as i resigned a little over a year ago as an elder due to a combination of family responsibilities and huge doubts.
Elder newton, I'm glad you walked, shows you have morals. The child abuse issues are I think the biggest reason for most. I can see how it is for some-one to be DF (I've been there) & say (as I did) I knew I shouldn't of had that shag, you know take the responsibility cause they knew it was against the rules. Like getting sacked cause you stole (not me) something. But blatantly protecting pedo's with the fact's that now prove it, that is something else entirely. To me it is simple
Mark 2:9, which is it easier for me to say "your sins are forgiven, or Get up pick up your cot & walk".
So Elder newton, what is it easier for us to say, "I don't believe this is Gods organization, or I don't believe God would approve of protecting child molesters". it's the same thing is it not.
I put up lights this year
by Zoos ini have always wanted to do that.. nothing special.
in fact, i have learned i'm not very good at it.
i have many talents.
Zoos, try turning the lights on! your see what your doing then.
Email request-Prayer Is Restricted!
by Atlantis inan answer to an email:.
atlantis, i have not installed the watchtower library cd as of yet, so could you copy and paste the article about prayer being restricted to unbaptized ones?
thanks in advance.
WOW! so much for letting God decide a. What can one say to such wickedness as set out in that WT. Perhaps we should start calling them Jehovah's Vikings, they just go through raiding & slaughtering with no Re-Norse. -
Reasons for doubting.
by New day insomebody mentioned in a recent topic that they had a conversation with a former elder whose breaking point was when the overlapping generation was highlighted in recent times and how he would never serve again until somebody gave him a scriptural reason to believe it.
i am in a similar position.
i have gone in the last 18 months from taking the wt study, leading fs groups, and doing talks on the mtngs to doing almost nothing, as i resigned a little over a year ago as an elder due to a combination of family responsibilities and huge doubts.
New Day, Elder Newton, Magnum, you were all elders yes? I'm a woman so I have a different side of the coin to look at, when a bro has responsibilities & he leaves peoples reaction to that is "he did this & he did that, & HE WAS AN ELDER". Was you aware of that when you walked? Did it make it harder on you as all eyes on the cong were on you? Only when someone who is a no-one in the cong starts to fade no -one notices anyway. It makes it easier I would of thought. Or maybe cause of who you were they were afraid to say something to you. I'm just interested in your opinions as I never really gave it much thought until I read this post. -
Reasons for doubting.
by New day insomebody mentioned in a recent topic that they had a conversation with a former elder whose breaking point was when the overlapping generation was highlighted in recent times and how he would never serve again until somebody gave him a scriptural reason to believe it.
i am in a similar position.
i have gone in the last 18 months from taking the wt study, leading fs groups, and doing talks on the mtngs to doing almost nothing, as i resigned a little over a year ago as an elder due to a combination of family responsibilities and huge doubts.
Hey, then I guess it's a New Day for you, sorry couldn't help myself. Your not alone, & yes you did the right thing. Although some times you doubt yourself a?
I think ones like you who have been given so called privileges within the cong are very brave, you must feel an over whelming sense of responsibility to other members. I take my hat off to those who have been elders/ms/missionaries etc, it cannot be so easy for you to fade like the rest of us.
Thank you for sharing
Elder harassed my mom and asked for donation
by kaik inmy mom had surgery last month and she developed complication and had to be on antibiotics to treat infection.
so, she is recovering slowly, but things was tough on her and she was not attending kh or went to assembly two weeks ago.
nonetheless, elder showed up at her place and instead providing her with comfort he started to harass her that her faith is weak, she does not put trust in jah, etc.
This is disgraceful behaviour coming from anyone, please give your mum a big hug from me. Good for her standing up for herself like that to. It looks to me like he saw a woman in a vulnerable position & took advantage of her. Hope someone kicks his ass! -
An Atheist Visits A Kingdom Hall
by Bangalore in
he seems to have quite a positive view of jw's.. bangalore.
Paul from Cleveland, what you have written is so true. The sad fact here is that those ones who are mixing with Nerd in the Brain are probably considered spiritually weak in the congregation & the so called strong ones avoid having to much association with them. Unless they are one of the lucky few to be in what my hubby calls "A golden cong" I was in one of those years ago & it was lovely. Oh how sheltered I was. -
kid's, the things they say
by Sabin inwe had this plan of action with our kid's, if they asked us a question that we deemed they were to young to know about we would divert their attention, oh, could you fetch mummy her cardi, i'm feeling abit cold, there's some sweets in my pocket, would you like one etc, you get the idea.
usually this would be enough & they would forget about what they had asked.
when they wern't diverted & asked again we would provide an honest explanation suitable for their age.
We had this plan of action with our kid's, if they asked us a question that we deemed they were to young to know about we would divert their attention, Oh, could you fetch mummy her cardi, I'm feeling abit cold, there's some sweets in my pocket, would you like one etc, you get the idea. Usually this would be enough & they would forget about what they had asked. When they wern't diverted & asked again we would provide an honest explanation suitable for their age. So my hubby goes off to pick up our 8 year old daughter, in the car on the way home she says.
"my friends older sister told me that daddies put there willies in mummies private parts, is that true?" my husband, tries to divert the conversation, but to no avail cause she asked him again. When he got home & told me I said,
"please tell me you didn't lie to her"
" No, I looked out the window & thought where the hell is my wife when I need her, then I said, Yes it is true however there is so much more to it than just the physical side that you will learn about when you are older"
" o.k. that is good, what did she say?"
"She said that is disgusting, & didn't speak to me the rest of the way home"
Poor man, You got any funny things your kids have said that have thrown you off kilter?