DJS, is that happier if he's taller laying down or standing up?
Vidiot, What is G.F.E ref? sorry, I'm blonde.
the above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
DJS, is that happier if he's taller laying down or standing up?
Vidiot, What is G.F.E ref? sorry, I'm blonde.
i think every one wants to be a " free- spirit", but what does that really mean?.
i ask the question because :-.
a) i decided i would not give the religiouse organisation i belonged to the power to force me to rebel within its organisation, when the " free-spirit" inside me no longer wanted to be controlled by this religion.. b) i now realise the " free-spirit" within me that demanded independence from w.t control has also come with great consequences, which has now made the price of my liberation seem shallow.. anyway i am not well educated, but i do now appreciate the psychological and emotional consequences my actions have had on my family, and friends.
Pocahontas! Mulan! They were free spirits. Look at the trouble they got in to.
sexual abuse by a female member of a 14 year old in the congregation and elders being sued by the county --- now that co's are liable for the elders only - does that mean the elders will lose everything if fines are levelled against them, since the society has washed their hands and separated themselves by setting the co in place??
even after leaving the organization, it still lurks in the background like a shadow.. as some of you know, i met a wonderful girl a while ago (which i'm going to need your help with).
she is a catholic and i am open and very respectful of her beliefs.
however, i know there will be a time where i will have to tell her that i once was a witness... and to be honest, i'm quite scared of that.. i don't want things to be ruined between us because of a disgusting cult that i was in.
Honesty is the best policy.
this is not meant to be a controversial discussion, but just mentioning what has happened to my daughter.. i personally started my fade early this year 2015, it has resulted in my losing all my so called jw friends and the brake-up of my marriage.
when i split up with my wife, she asked our daughter who she would like to live with, my daughter decided to live with me, and also abandoned the cult.. recently my daughter told me that she is very disappointed with the congregation of jehovah's witnesses because she thought she had friends there, but now she has realized that it was all conditional, not a single one of them has even remotely tried to keep contact with my daughter, she is 15, not baptized and never a publisher.. now yesterday she met up with a jehovah's witness friend who is in another congregation.
this friend is also 15, baptized since she was 14, a very dominant elder father, and has virtually no association outside jw circles, and also internet access is banned at home.
yes smiddy they do, my husband no longer goes to the meetings, he has done so much for so many jw's they were always round when they wanted something from him & now nothing they shun him. He couldn't believe it at first he just said "so all that help means nothing cause I don't go to the KH?" Yes it means nothing. He was so shocked at how nasty they really have proven to be & so now they can F...Off. He doesn't even want them in his house. You (smiddy) sound surprised, don't be it's always the same with controlling people once you say no to them they go.
Driving force, your girl is better off without some stupid jw teenager who probably just said that to try & make her self feel better bout her own situation, the reality is she is most likely jealous of your daughter cause your a more loving father then her own. Why else be so nasty.
...with a sister.
she says she knows an elder that can prove me wrong in everything i say about the organization.
i bet her that he will not be able to answer my questions and if he does, that he will tell me to have faith.
I would ask why the org appoints men to positions of privilege when they are aware that they are child molesters? Why they have allowed men to continue to serve in positions within the congregation even after they have confessed to child molestation? Why has the org not informed the cong of their decision to let child molesters serve as appointed men? When he tries to answer use the Guidelines for Branch Office Service Desk & January 1st, 1997 W.T. & only those.
Then read Mark 2:9, & ask "what is it easier to say," this is Gods Org, or, God approves of child abuse."
Then punch him straight on the nose. LOL (joking)
i was working one day, had a couple of male customers to serve when this lady walks in & offers me a track on her religion, my answer without thinking " i already know what the bible say's, i'm one of jw's".
she just threw me a dirty look & the two guy's just looked down & said nothing.
i just carried on, served them as nothing had happened.
I was working one day, had a couple of male customers to serve when this lady walks in & offers me a track on her religion, my answer without thinking " I already know what the bible say's, I'm one of JW's". she just threw me a dirty look & the two guy's just looked down & said nothing. I just carried on, served them as nothing had happened.
Anyway, I've done quite abit of business territory didn't mind it to much, hell I even went in to a brothel. That was fun, I think the madam thought I was there for a job which is why I got let in, you should have seen the look o her face when I plopped out the W.t & Awake mags. LOL. Today I thought about it & realised it is actually really rude to walk in to places of work & interrupt the employee's. No wonder employer's get pissed off. You got any experiences or thought's on the subject?
the above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
Strong, independent girl with her own income, home, friends etc who stays interesting viable & challenging. Wont be obsessed with you. Only $400 an hour. witnesses shield child sex abusers from police, report says.
by trey bundy / december 7, 2015 .
jehovahs witnesses policies allow child sexual abusers to operate within their congregations without fear that they will be reported to police, according to a new report published by the australian government.
this question is for the ladies out there, but if you are a man and you'd like to share your thoughts on the following topic you are welcomed to do so.
given the wt society's view on women, did any of you ladies gave up on the idea of getting married "in the truth".
in such case, did you sometimes feel that you were missing out?
Clambake, I'm sure glad my hubby aint no JW. It is a protection for me, he can tell them to sling their hook & there's nothing they can do about it. & to boot he's a dame more spiritual then they are. JW's, religious YES, spiritual NO.
Esmeralda, Live your life, do what you want that makes you happy (try not to get bapped or you will be trapped). You don't need to be married or have kid's to be a woman but when that one man comes along & you just know he's the one then go for it, that's what I say. You want a man who is your best friend as well as your lover & vice versa then you have a marriage made in heaven, that to me is a marriage in the Lord, one where there is real love. Not the conditional shit the JW live by.