Posts by Sabin
2016 Formula 1 Season is Go, Go, Go !!!
by Simon ini love formula one :).
here's to a great 2016 season !.
Formula 1, isn't that something you feed to babies! -
Preaching the "good news"
by truth doubter injust wondering.
what do those who left wt, and still believe the bible, feel about matt.24:14?
Fink, you have taken Geff Jacko's statement to the ARC to heart, "it would be presumptsous of us to say that we are the only ones who speak for Jehovah." No Geff you don't say, well look at the Mormons, double the members double the hours, & just as nuts. -
Don't Accept the Blame for Being Shunned
by cofty inour family and friends blame us for the fact that they shun us.
imagine an abusive husband who threatened his wife that if she leaves him he will hunt her down and kill her.
eventually she finds the courage to leave and he carries out his threat.
I will talk to nice JW's now who i know are sincere human beings that have been mind controlled. As for the ones who are not, they can kiss my golf ball arse. -
Why dont you go to the memorial?
by atomant inl guess we all have our own reasons and thought it would give insight to others considering going to reconsider and not go.
Because i believe in Jesus, I will not support an organization that covers up & enables child molesters. -
Memorial mixed emotions...
by Tornintwo indoes anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
Atomant, your an alcoholic in remission, well done you, that takes serious courage. Big Hug for you.
Memorial mixed emotions...
by Tornintwo indoes anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
Tornin2, i believe in the bible & God & Jesus also, this will will be the 2nd year i haven't attended & i don't want to. I don't owe an explanation to them or anyone else for my choice or what i believe. I know myself well enough now to know that if one of them spoke to me i would not be able to hold my tongue about the child abuse & of course in true JW fashion & ignorance they would blame the victims not the borg. The thing is they have so indoctrinated us that there is still apart of our mind/heart that makes us condem ourselves as if we are in some way at fault, so we cling to hope. Hope that it isn't as bad as we come to believe. The truth is, it is that bad. It is a CULT, a cult that is making you feel that you have to remember Jesus at the KH, yet there is no such scripture that says so. There are many religions that remember the Christ at this time of year, what do the JW's say about them? Do they make a positive gesture towards such ones in praise of Jesus (isn't it good Jesus that so many think of your wonderful gift at this time of year) No they just put such ones down, they don't attend at the KH so it doesn't count with God. Dont be fooled into thinking they give a shit about you. Yes they will all be friendly because that is exactly from the platform what they have been told to do. The next day you will be the subject of gossip. As for me i will sit at home read through those scriptures & remember Jesus humanity towards those less fortunate while JW's are counting how many were in attendance cause that is what matters to them most. What ever you do, do it because YOU want to.
Preaching the "good news"
by truth doubter injust wondering.
what do those who left wt, and still believe the bible, feel about matt.24:14?
Truth doubter, that 's a very good Q. i shall have to give it some thought? i suppose you would have to ask the Q what interpretation of good news did you think you were preaching when you were in. For some it was about getting them to the hall & hours. For me it was just letting people know that all the suffering would come to an end 7 the ones that enjoyed the suffering of others would come to an end also. I never had a problem with that personally (still don't, pedos deserve to die). I guess as silly as it sounds to others their is a part of me that hopes it is true. Helps me to cope with cruel things that happen around the world.
Stuckin, actions speak louder, my sentiments exactly.
Something that may have been overlooked by the Australian Royal Commission
by Listener ini was reading a post made by a female jw on another forum that was answering a question regarding under age baptism and underage girls speaking to elders regarding sexual matters.
her answer was sickening and it got me wondering whether the rc has overlooked a very serious problem.this is a link to her comments the rc ask for a list of victims or underage persons who had been subjected to a judicial committee?given that there is a practice of baptising children and young teenagers, i don't doubt that a number of them would have been subjected to their own jc in regards to sexual issues.
we have even heard of cases where young females have been raped but have been found guilty of fornication after a jc.the only files given to the rc was those of perpetrators.the watchtower would have kept records of underage persons who have been subject to a jc in relation to sexual matters.
Stuckin, my husband isn't a witness so he has a different mind set. That's the biggest reason they are being so careful with me now. He is the nicest guy you could ever wish to meet, these bastards have pushed all his wrong buttons. Yesterday we were doing the garden he told me in no uncertain terms if they come down the path i'm to go in & shut the door, he would be dealing with them. He wont put up with no shit from them. -
Something that may have been overlooked by the Australian Royal Commission
by Listener ini was reading a post made by a female jw on another forum that was answering a question regarding under age baptism and underage girls speaking to elders regarding sexual matters.
her answer was sickening and it got me wondering whether the rc has overlooked a very serious problem.this is a link to her comments the rc ask for a list of victims or underage persons who had been subjected to a judicial committee?given that there is a practice of baptising children and young teenagers, i don't doubt that a number of them would have been subjected to their own jc in regards to sexual issues.
we have even heard of cases where young females have been raped but have been found guilty of fornication after a jc.the only files given to the rc was those of perpetrators.the watchtower would have kept records of underage persons who have been subject to a jc in relation to sexual matters.
If a child is subjected to watching porn the brain is psychologically traumatized in such a way that it is as if the child were being literally abused, so if that is the case then i would say it stands to reason that a child or even a young adult is being subjected to a JC & being forced/coerced to give explicit details of a sexual nature that could lead to there being ostracized from friends & family then yes it is psychological sexual abuse. What is also shocking is that a large number of elders actually believe it is their RIGHT to know these details. Their RIGHT. Now just where did they get that idea from. Certainly not the bible. When i was in my late 20's & went to my JC about reinstatement my husband, bless him just would not allow me to be on my own with 3 men. When our daughter went to her JC my husband went with her, when she was asked overly personal details that made her uncomfortable she told them "it's not your business to ask me that." As far as i'm concerned they still went over the line, thank God hubby wasn't in the same room (which was our daughters choice) he would have punched them on the bloody nose. The Borg takes the right's of the parents away, & to many of them allow it. Yes i think maybe the ARC has thought of these things, but i also think that they have so many people who are JW's contacting them now with issues that it will take years to get through all the info. Lets be honest, on this issue the GB have made the pope look like a saint. -
What I want to know is where are the parents of these young ones? What sort of a parent allows their kid to get baptized that young anyway? A cult that gives already abusive parents permission to abuse some more.
The Bastards.