Posts by Sabin
Pioneer Service School Videos
by wifibandit infirst, i'd like to give a big thank you to the anonymous person who provided me the files.
second, if you have the rest of the english videos, or anything else you would like to leak, please pm me.. download links in the descriptions and here.
Well I'm impressed, I've never seen two men with such small mind's inside such big heads. -
Money woes show it ain't the truth
by OnTheWayOut injehovahs people do not beg for money.
[...] we have never considered it proper to solicit money for the lords cause, after the common custom .
it is our judgment that money raised by the various begging devices in the name of our lord is offensive, unacceptable to him, and does not bring his blessing either upon the givers or the work accomplished.
In the u.k you have to pay a licence every year for the privilege of having a television in your home. I remember one time you had to do the same if you owned a dog (Dog licence). I think the WTBTS should bring out a CART LICENCE, shall we say $50 per cart every year. Yes you have to pay for the privilege of sitting on your arse for a few hours a week. Make the pioneers pay for it as their the ones using it the most.
What do you think, should I send my idea to them?
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
what I find most ironic is that they jump up & down declaring how important God's name is to them & how it must be put on high BLAH BLAH BLAH! & yet they themselves have reduced it to a mere letter
How would you like it if you were referred to by a single letter.
From Sabin. OH sorry, I mean SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Should I be mad?
by kairos ini've been df'd for about six weeks one has broken the obligation to "honor the disfellowshipping decree".that's the way notorious co paul kohler describes the "loving arrangement" that is jw shunning.
( just "serving" napa ).
so, my wife's family has been "loving me" ( barf ) when out of nowhere, one of them sends home homemade soup for me.... well, i got super pissed.
I think the only hope they have is that I will "Humble myself" before it' to late.
So Kairos say thanks for the lovely soup but next time can they please make a Humble Pie.
Stranger in my own house, Since my wife and i don't talk much anymore nor sleep in the same bed. i feel like a stranger.
by goingthruthemotions inmy wife is shunning me.
she is always in cult mode, we don't talk anymore, we don't sleep in the same bed.
i have been sleeping on the couch.
GTTM, this is terrible for you & for the kid's, are you sure there isn't more to it then just the cult? I'm sorry for asking, it's just that she has no ground's if she's serving God to do this to you, it's scripturally wrong. You have every right to sleep in your own bed. Have you tried to get back in tell her your not sleeping else where & give her a hug. Has she told you she no longer loves you? maybe you should ask her out right, & ask her where she wants to go from here. The longer you leave it the worse it's gonna get. You need to know where you stand man, or you will start to get sick. It kinda sounds like she wants you to commit adultery so she can get out without any blame. Hope I'm wrong mate but something smells off to me. Hope you got some friends you can go have a drink with. Big Hug. SABIN -
Jehovah's Witness grandparents ordered to keep faith to themselves
by OrphanCrow inbritish columbia, canada.
jehovah's witness grandparents ordered to keep faith to themselves.
a pair of devout jehovah's witnesses have been ordered by a b.c.
Hard core Grandparents are a pain in the arse for parents. & their grand-children. I know a couple of pioneer oldies who pride themselves on not having seen their grand-daughter for 18years. They didn't like the name their daughter gave to her. Said she was being rebellious to Jehovah. She had the child at 17, I think the truth is she was being rebellious to her narcissistic pioneer mother, the woman is a complete cow. I bet those grand-parents will find another route to be mean to the mum, good on her for standing her ground & what an A-hole of a father you'd think the parents would be spending their time talking to him about his responsibilities instead of pushing their religion on a child. -
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
Thank you Paul, you said it so much better.
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
Philippians 2:9-11. For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position & kindly gave him the name that is above every other name, so that in the name of JESUS every knee should bend of those in the heaven & those on the earth & those under the ground, & every tongue should openly acknowledge that JESUS CHRIST is LORD to the glory of God the Father".
I don't think a God of love is going to be that bothered if his name is pronounced accurately or not. He gave us Jesus for a reason didn't he, isn't it his name we should be acknowledging to God's glory. JDub's go on & on about it cause they think it makes them superior to others, they have put themselves on a peddle-stool.
Mad Irishman the reason X-JDub's get annoyed isn't the name of God so much as the way active JDub's think it's their god given right to treat others like dirt then run & hide behind that name. If they use Jehovah then they can act like the Israelites of the Hebrew scriptures & psychologically stone people, whereas to use Jesus would mean they would have to drop the self-righteous act & be humble like the apostate Samaritan. They are not going to do that are they. I know this is abit off track but oh well.
How many of you left the Org since 2015?
by Paul Bonanno ini have noticed that many lately have left the org or are in the process of leaving.
how many of you have left since 2015?.
this month will be my 21 years out of the org into the road of freedom.
Listened to my last meeting on the phone Sep 2014. We were due to go to the international assembly in Oct, An elder gave a talk about obedience to Jehovah, someone mentioned about the international & he said "I was just thinking that myself, are we being obedient & attending" words to that effect. I put the phone down, never listened in or attended a meeting again. I didn't go to the assembly, even though we had booked & paid for our flights (most of you know why). Any way the point is I was disgusted, there were many bro/sis who would not be able to afford to go or cope with the crowds. There will be ones that will still be paying the debt off cause they paid with credit cards & yet when they got there they were asked for contributions. The strain that would put on their everyday family life trying to survive all for 3 days, & they go on about the expence of xmas.
Can you even begin to imagine what it would be like for the ones who didn't go, how the others would have rubbed salt into their wounds & how that would leaving them feeling because they had let God down, they weren't obedient. I find the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I still get emotional about the "truth" .....even though I know it's all lies...what is wrong with me????
by Witness 007 inmy mum is doing kemo and i have gone to many meetings at my old hall and brothers have said how they remember my old talks how good they were (ass kiss) and i still feel emotional even though i know 100% it is lies, funny human mind did i do it all for personal pats on the back and self esteem....yes i did i was a loser who needed some luv.
Losers are the ones that don't need love, you need it because your a winner.