Has anyone read the book? & would they like to make a comment?
I haven't so I will reserve my judgment, don't want to throw stones then discover I'm standing in a greenhouse.
a recently published book, by best selling author eugene walker has started creating a buzz inside the jehovahs witness community.
in his new book, "jehovah's witnesses exposed - what really goes on inside the kingdom hall walls", eugene walker brings to light hidden issues that many jehovah's witnesses now face in the organisation.. .
Has anyone read the book? & would they like to make a comment?
I haven't so I will reserve my judgment, don't want to throw stones then discover I'm standing in a greenhouse.
maths is not my strong point when the borg stop printing 52 million magazines from next year if the mags cost 5 cents each how much money will they be saving
hot off the presses from exjw reddit earlier today.
massive leak in uk.. if true, this is big (and very, very disturbing)..
was geniously created by the w.t leadership, when they shifted the idea of the coming of gods kingdom, to the idea that gods kingdom is already being represented by their " visible organisation" on earth today.
but as the totlitarian " ark" of the w.t crashes, many in the w.t, particularly those at bethel will now look through the w.t "looking-glass" and no-longer see that "paradise" already existing on earth today.. when this happens, a person should decide to look clearly through a different sort of looking glass.
here is what i discoverd when i looked through my very own "looking glass":-.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
was geniously created by the w.t leadership, when they shifted the idea of the coming of gods kingdom, to the idea that gods kingdom is already being represented by their " visible organisation" on earth today.
but as the totlitarian " ark" of the w.t crashes, many in the w.t, particularly those at bethel will now look through the w.t "looking-glass" and no-longer see that "paradise" already existing on earth today.. when this happens, a person should decide to look clearly through a different sort of looking glass.
here is what i discoverd when i looked through my very own "looking glass":-.
Guilt free masturbation is the best
but as i move into my early 50's i find i'm more and more comfortable in my thick, leathery hide.. please get it into your thick skull's that i don't insult or make snarky comments with the intent of hurting anyone's feelings.
that being said, if your precious feelings are hurt it's probably your fault for being a prissy, over sensitive drama queen who can't defend his argument.. i do actually love you all, it's just that most of the time you spineless pussies really get on my nerves!.
good god i feel better for that!
thought she was gonna take a pic of me on the sneak.
im df'd...been df'd for over 19 years already.
so she probably would have gotten away with it without anyone knowing.....except that her flash was on.
So Bradnew, your a naughty boy!
6 foot, green eyes, covered in tatts, ride a motor bike, all sounds nice. If however you actually looked like your avatar pic I would come rub your belly on a Saturday morn.
i ask this because of the circumstances behind why they get married and who they get married by.
i know people say that they are really in love, they love jehovah, etc, but are these marriages even legit.
i've talked to older jw's sister who are now widowed, some of them say that they were trapped in a marriages.
Hey Mandy, keep your chin up girl. It will seem better in the morning. It is a worrying time for those who are French at the moment there will be many feeling as you do. Big Hug.
pot calling the kettle black?
no one can do it better than the wt!.
I found this article to be very sad & unbelievably funny at the same time. When I clicked on to the thread down the bottom it said "Is any religion deserving of trust?" The next time you meet a JW, why not ask them why they trust their religion?. Examine their teachings & their RECORD. Then decide for YOURSELF if a religion exists that you can trust.
I thought of us lot here & it made me smile, they are seriously stupid, 50% of JW wouldn't trust the G-reedy B-astards as far as they could throw them.