Hello Totally Disappointed, it is so nice to meet you. You will find we on the forum our like minded when it comes to the child abuse within this God forsaken religion, & always happy to turn on & find a brand new arrival.
Posts by Sabin
Poor Abused Children Are Nothing Compared to Poor Abused Watchtower
by totallydisappointed ini've been really disappointed for quite a while nowadays, actually i disassociated out of anger against the elders because i was being bullied over a row about confidentiality.
but that's nothing compared to those poor kids that have been scarred for life because of all the plethora of child abusers acting as elders in the congregations.
i live in the uk and its more prevalent than the common cold.. however, jehovah's organisation as called, seems to have no sympathy for those kids at all.
A True short story
by Terry in____a true story___.
shortly after the incident, i drove back along the pacific coast in a euphoric daze of confusion, tears, and exhilaration; there was no place for it to go inside my head.
i pulled over on the shoulder of the road and sat in stunned silence.
Terry that is so beautiful, I could hear & smell the ocean from your words. Thank you.
The FINAL DAYS are here !!!
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to this jw video... now is the time to preach without fear!
now that the final days are here!.
the final days were not here previously (as they kept insisting for over 140 years)... but now they are!.
WTF ! They've turned into born again Christians.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
I agree with Zoo's having to admit to any mistakes on their part would be a real kick in the balls. To add to that, I think it should be law that at the beginning of any assembly, & everyday, wether 1,2 or 3 days an announcement should be read informing parents that pedo's may very well be in the audience so they should be vigilant in protecting there children. It should be a statement written from outside the borg, & read without any other comments added. You know like they say on t.v. Authorised by the QLD Government. Also a poster should be placed in full view at the back of all public venues e.g. kingdom halls, bethels, assembly places informing members of the cong & any visitors with children to be aware. If the GB care so much about the welfare of little one's there should be no complaints to this, after all we have signs in car parks telling us not leave our valuables unattended in our cars, what could be more valuable then a child.
I also think any member in the cong who is guilty of child molestation or the rape of any person of any age or gender should not ever be allowed a position of responsibility. An individual who has committed the crime of child molestation should not be allowed to participate in the D2D ministry at any time
Non-compliance should be met with heavy fines.
Sex and Marriage
by nicolaou inmost religions indoctrinate a standard sexual 'morality' into their followers.
sex before marriage is wrong, gay sex is wrong, same sex marriage is wrong, masturbation is wrong.. let's not turn this into another religion bashing thread (too easy), i was wondering how much of that pre-packaged thinking you still hold to?.
i still value marriage, more than ever.
I believe in happiness & for me that entails marriage, for someone else it doesn't, who am I to judge. As long as you do your best not to hurt others (impossible I know) but I mean not to deliberately hurt others then I'm happy for you. It is easy for me to believe in marriage, my experience of it has been one of love. -
interesting hospital encounter
by stan livedeath inmy 94 year old jw dad is now in hospital--i visit him every day.. in the opposite corner of the ward were a group of visitors to an oldish chap.
my dub-dar caught words like kingdom hall and watchtower from the rather loud voiced woman i took to be the patients wife.
she also mentioned a dub by name ive known for 40+years--so i guessed they are in the local congregation to my dad.. as i was leaving--the woman said to me--"what a loving --dutiful son i am.
You a very dutiful son Stan, they always act so surprised when someone that they think is worldly does something nice. They are the only true Christians. HA. You put them to shame.
Hope your Dad is doing o.k.
Changing meanings of words: "Brother" and "Sister".
by Open mind inever notice how most jws use the titles "brother" and "sister"?
in my experience, 99% of the time it was not a term of endearment.
it was actually a term of formality very much like "mister", "mrs.", "miss" or "ms.".
We took one of the kids out for the day, she suffered with anxiety & we were the only ones who she trusted to stay with (oh I wonder why) anyway she called us Sister & brother, sister Sabin, Sister Sabin. My husband asked me to suggest that she just said our first names "She's 10 years old, it sounds so bad, people are actually looking at me as if I'm a minister". It was actually embarrassing for him. It wasn't her fault though she was just following orders & so was her mother. Sad really. -
The new brchoure
by Sabin inthe gestapo body, brought out a brochure, i believe it was called return to jehovah.
in it they gave 3 reasons why some-one left the borganization.
if i remember 1 was because the person is angry at some one in the cong, or something along those lines.
Thank you wanna be free. Sorry bout the spelling mistake in the title. -
450,000 UK child abuse cases in 2yrs
by GodZoo inmy lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.https://www.rt.com/uk/323321-child-abuse-rise-family/.
NO NO & NO Bloody way. I don't care what research they have done I wont agree. They don't like kid's, they are child hater's. If you care for some-one, anyone then you don't deliberately manipulate them for your own means be it physical/mental/emotional or sexual. How can a small child not be in some kind of pain when a full sized penis is being forced up their bums or vaginas. Sorry to be so graphic but well there's the facts of the matter. They shouldn't be breathing the same f...ing air as the rest of mankind. They know they are wrong, they don't care, they are perverts, disgusting lower than animals & the one group if it ever was to happen that shouldn't be going through at Armageddon . I'm sorry if this offends anyone, or if you think it is a sin against the Holy Spirit but that is how I feel. -
The new brchoure
by Sabin inthe gestapo body, brought out a brochure, i believe it was called return to jehovah.
in it they gave 3 reasons why some-one left the borganization.
if i remember 1 was because the person is angry at some one in the cong, or something along those lines.
The Gestapo Body, brought out a brochure, I believe it was called Return to Jehovah. in it they gave 3 reasons why some-one left the Borganization. If I remember 1 was because the person is angry at some one in the cong, or something along those lines. I stand to be corrected of course. Cant even begin to know the other 2.
Does any-one know? PLEASE.