Posts by Sabin
Remember When Something Bad Would Happen And You Felt Its Really What They Deserved?
by minimus ini was thinking about christmas and how celebrants may lose their home and all their possessions because a christmas candle burned down the house.. witnesses smugly would say, "well, they shouldn't have been celebrating the holidays!
".....yet if a jw got into a fatal car accident while going to a convention, it was clearly satan's doing..
Don't they just say the most stupid things. The big Tsunami that happened in 2004 was a prime example of this & hurricane Katrina another where JW's survived & they claimed it was because Jehovah had protected them. There was a councillor in my area who had said that she wouldn't agree to a kingdom hall being built & 2 weeks later she had a heart attack & died, well as you can imagine the JW's believe Jehovah had coursed her death so they could get their kingdom hall. How twisted can they get. -
Watchtower crackdown on anointed expansion - are they reaching for a solution to the expanding numbers problem?
by slimboyfat inif this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
wow, so God no longer decides based on heart condition, the GB decides based on ministry report. They actually do believe themselves to be higher than the heavens don't they. They are the Pharisees all over again, no wonder Jesus didn't choose from among them you would think this would be a lesson for them wouldn't you. -
merry xmas
by Sabin init has just turned 12 o'clock in n.s.w, australia, is i am just saying merry christmas to all you on the forum & i hope you all happy a happy new year.
big hugs all round.
hey cognac how you doing? so I went to the sex shop, LOL, sat in the car giggling like a school girl but got inside & OMG! it was so educational. My poor husband switched a vibrator on & then could work out how to switch it off, the guy in there could see we were in trouble you need a bloody degree to work some of the stuff. Arent you proud of me . I got to go to sleep now as it's so late but I will pm you & share my new found knowledge about the Eggs. Have a wonderful holiday time with your daughter.
merry xmas
by Sabin init has just turned 12 o'clock in n.s.w, australia, is i am just saying merry christmas to all you on the forum & i hope you all happy a happy new year.
big hugs all round.
LUHE, it's raining at the mo so it is nice & cool, the last couple of days have been so hot & of course it's the fire season so every one here is breathing easier. Where are you or are you no able to say? -
Merry Christmas! Or merry Christmas on the sly! Ho! Ho! Ho!
by purrpurr injust to say merry christmas and a happy new year!
i hope wherever you are that you have a lovely holiday, even if like me your celebrating on the sly hehe in which case happy christmas on the sly.
hey Purpur I just came on & did the same thing, so Hugs to you. It has just turned xmas here in oz where I am.
merry xmas
by Sabin init has just turned 12 o'clock in n.s.w, australia, is i am just saying merry christmas to all you on the forum & i hope you all happy a happy new year.
big hugs all round.
it has just turned 12 O'clock in N.S.W, Australia, is I am just saying Merry Christmas to all you on the forum & I hope you all happy a happy new year. Big Hugs all round. SABIN
What was your ''the last straw that broke the camels back'' moment
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthere is a limit to how much straw (long yellow grass) a camel can carry on its back.
if you keep putting more straw on top, it will finally break the camel's back.
when you are at the last straw you are finally angry and will not take any more.. my moment (to stop attending all watchtower meetings) was after the harsh treatment from the elders and fellow congregation members of my second cousin who was disfellowhipped as a teenager.
The jdub's go for coffee in the cafe's where I am & it was the realisation that if a pregnant D'ed lady walked across the road with her 2 kid's & was run down they WOULDN'T even call an ambulance. They would say "to bad for her, she left the borg." that was it for me, when you got people that cold hearted there is nothing they wont do to hurt others, they just seem to me to get a kick out of it. WTBTS is a by word for WICKEDNESS. It is run by Psychopaths & the only one's that do well in it are the narcissists, every one else struggles with mental illness, anxiety, guilt, worthlessness & is generally unhappy. BASTARDS BASTARDS BASTARDS.
And that is without all the other shit I've seen go down. Got keep smiling though a, don't let the bastards get to ya
Jehovahs witnesses fastest growing religion, my ass.
by Crazyguy inthey the wt are always stating this, yet let's look at just one set of figures.
the average birth rate in the world is roughly 18 babies born per thousand.
the catholics have a membership of roughly 1 billion members.
They always say stuff that makes them look good & others look bad. -
Street witnessing to Christmas Shoppers Yesterday
by snugglebunny inwell, ok, but targeting a german christmas market seems a little hypocritical...
Wow Dagney, what a brilliant comment you are so right that is exactly what we do as humans. You forgot though, to remember that when a JW's all humanism is forbade. -
I'm Naughty
by Sabin ini'm a naughty girl, i love it, it makes me laugh & i love to laugh.
life is so serious, not enough smiles i think.
my husband got me a new toy, it's the fart gun from despicable me.
I gotta go to bed it's nearly 1 in the morning. Night Night to you all.