Jhine, that is a little touch of brilliance, shuffle things up & make new memories to replace the bad stuff.
BYCNL, you should definitely go with this advice, then you can already start to look forward to next year's holidays.
my husband and i went to visit his family for the holidays.
not everyone showed for the visit ,the weather was lousy, and it just generally sucked.
now we're back to the same old routine with work and life and we're both depressed and alone.
Jhine, that is a little touch of brilliance, shuffle things up & make new memories to replace the bad stuff.
BYCNL, you should definitely go with this advice, then you can already start to look forward to next year's holidays.
when i was a teenager, i was told by an elder that because i smiled a lot and was known for my good sense of humor, that i should come across as "more serious".
so before i was appointed a ms, while in my late teens, i transformed myself into a much more "serious" brother.. were you ever told that you needed to work on something that you knew was stoopid?.
I was always getting told off for being tactless, I always say exactly what I think, actually I generally say it with out thinking. Got no filter between my brain & mouth, I'm what's commonly know as verbally dyslexic, it just all comes out round the wrong way. One elder called it honesty & said I had to much of it. LOL.
Funny enough my poor husband got counselled, shouted at to be specific by the CO for buying our girl a new mobile phone as a graduation present. She may take nude pic's of herself & send them to brothers. What a wanker. Oh & his wife told the sisters what underwear they could wear, G-strings were for prostitutes only. I remember it cause when they told me I said "I didn't think prostitutes wore any knickers".
my husband and i went to visit his family for the holidays.
not everyone showed for the visit ,the weather was lousy, and it just generally sucked.
now we're back to the same old routine with work and life and we're both depressed and alone.
my husband and i went to visit his family for the holidays.
not everyone showed for the visit ,the weather was lousy, and it just generally sucked.
now we're back to the same old routine with work and life and we're both depressed and alone.
Big Hug for you BYCNL. Sometimes we think that every one else is having a great time when we are not. It just isn't true, I do it, my imagination runs wild I think no-body loves me, then comes that feeling maybe I'm wrong. My own kid's don't phone, you feel depressed, you cry. At least that it is how it pans out for me usually. We always had jw's round xmas day, parties & now nothing, no-one & no invites. It hurts, but hey, I remember that as a jw I spent years feeling suicidal, then I realise that WOW all those pretend friendships & smiles were just an illusion. Now I'm having to deal with reality that most people on the planet live with everyday & it takes abit of time to get used to. Don't be so hard on yourself, it gets better & remember that Jehovahs witnesses are the most unhappy people on earth. You know where you & I are both lucky, we got our best friend on our side, our husbands.
my best friend has recently been "marked" for associating with a "worldly guy" what advice can you give me to pass onto her?
i am not a jw, never been one, so looking for guidance.
thank you in advance.
I was unaware that you could be marked for that, i'm just looking at the organized to do Jehovahs will book pg 150, it says nothing there about that. It says I quote "grossly lazy or critical, being a profitless talker, meddler, scheming to take material advantage of others (so we should mark the WTBTS) indulging in entertainment that is clearly improper". that's it, no mention of having worldly friends, did I miss something here. Is there some kind of new ruling going on. Anon, I would suggest you give your friend jwfacts, JWsurvey, Freedom of mind resource center, AAWA2014 & other web sites to look out. Then stand well back while the penny drops.
there are days that i drop to the ground and kiss the earth in gratitude that i was born a woman.
at least women didn't have anything to do with writing the bibble.
and women don't come up with this nonsense.
part 1. i when to bethel march 21,1970. at the time you had to be a pioneer for two years to apply, by the time i left in 1974 they were calling people in who had never pioneered..........average stay was 5 months (they had signed up for 4 years)..........the reason they left was......well, it was hell.. one of the reasons was, knorr hated bethelites, but he loved the gilead students and why?
because when they screwed up they were thousands of miles away!........just before i got there, they had kicked out over 30!
homosexuals (at one time) ....the would kick out 1-2 bethelites a week.
(this recent forum post about a letter of disassociation encouraged me to post this new topic.
it's been sitting in my drafts folder for a little while, but now is as good a time as any.).
my suggestion would be, try not to go down the route of disassociation.
i was thinking about christmas and how celebrants may lose their home and all their possessions because a christmas candle burned down the house.. witnesses smugly would say, "well, they shouldn't have been celebrating the holidays!
".....yet if a jw got into a fatal car accident while going to a convention, it was clearly satan's doing..
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.