There are no tunnels in Brooklynn, nobody monitors apostate sites, all of these things are untrue. only what you do on bethel's servers is looked at like once a month, and a lot of sites are blocked on the network, including this site. there'd have to be a whole nother network to access unestricted sites which i doubt exist. I was in bethel and can confirm that this is all false. i was asked to leave due to looking at porn while there (friend mentioned that max larson said on avg 2 ppl are brought up a week at branch committee meetings due to looking at porn, one week had 7 bros brought up, so its a real issue in the org right now). about 20 bros + sisters from wallkill are now in canada bethel helping out for 3 years. canada only has 1 press, about 29 to 39 foot manroland, newer version of the ones in wallkill. wallkill in masssssssive expansion until 2012, maybe later who knows. construction going ahead with the new branch in the us, forget what its called seems like everyone is gonna pull out of brooklyn soon into that new facility and wallkill. lots coming to wallkill from brooklyn, not much there now. dunno about blood stuff. co's being renamed and moved around might not happen for a few years, but will happen. lot of big changes on the way. and yes i still believe jw's are the one true religion, even if i was kicked out and had my priveleges removed from me and have to suffer shame and disappointed from family, friends, elders, co's, etc. etc.. i only come on here to see whats new, e.g. learned about the elder's book and thn a few days later learned about it myself from an elder, learned about 30 hour thing ahead of time. doubt i'd be back. dunno why i posted here.
JoinedPosts by fhdsrfh56
Verifiable Former Bethelite Willing to Answer questions
by Uzzah ini am a former active poster here, former elder, former bethelite and pretty much known by people on the xjw boards since the mid 90's.
gawd that makes me sound old.. i notice that a great deal of uproar is being made by allegations of a hide in the closet alleged bethelite.
to counter the damage caused by this claim, i am happy to address any questions people may have about bethel, protocol, etc.. i was at the canada branch for 11 years, worked in multiple areas including the legal department, service desk and writing dept.