Lucy - Just to ADD to your agrument here's something I stumbled over - "Slavery was widespread through the Inca and Aztec cultures. Islam embraces slavery without reservation, it is expressly approved in the Koran. Segal documents the fact that 11 million Black Africans were kidnapped from their home by Islamic traders from 700 A.D. to 1900 B.C. Mohammed left many pages of directions to slaveholders on how to handle their slaves. The Ummyad dynasty of Islamic rulers castrated male Black African slaves and used them in battle between 700 A.D. and 1200 A.D.
Given Koranic blessing, 11 million Black Africans were kidnapped from their home for service as soldiers and concubines in the Islamic and later Ottoman empire beginning in 700 and continuing to this day. From time to time the soldier slaves revolted and such revolts were put down brutally. Male slaves were routinely castrated and the children of female slaves were taken from them. The slavery system covered most of North Africa, the Middle East, Iran and parts of India under Islamic control. Due to the Koranic blessing, Saudi Arabis did not outlaw slavery until 1964, nor did Kuwait until 1968. No discussion of the world view phenomena is complete without an examination of this "eastern" slave trade. Note also that the Inca and the Aztec practiced human slavery in a non-capitalist setting. The author would also allow you to forget that it was the hated colonial powers of England and France that pushed for the end of slavery in North Africa, not the Islamic east."
But like I said the issue is larger than reparations, at least with me. I don't think you read my post thoroughly. We can go back and forth about 'right' or 'wrong.' Just b/c you or I don't agree with something doesn't make it wrong. Surely you don't think you can change my mind and surely you don't think I haven't looked throroughly at both sides of the issue. This is not a new issue with me, I haven't read just a few news articles and came to a conclusion.
But it's all good, I really don't expect anyone on this board to side with the issue, b/c this board isn't about that. But it is about the principle of protest and standing up for issues.
Peace My Sister - LL